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why not start the story with my fav character huh

.Kurapika has a hard time opening up to people, so gaining an obsession towards his darling surely took at least a year.

.When he feels clearly different, he immediately knows it's behind your doing.

.At first he thought it was a small crush that would fade away with time, but that thought quickly went away when it gets more extreme.

.He's not dumb, and knows it's an unhealthy obsession that'll progress if he stayed with you.

.But instead of distancing himself or pushing it away, he instead embraces it and cherishes you.

.Just as the voices tells him he should.

.As time passes on, he finds himself feeling so empty without your scent or presence.

.He also finds himself letting you go out less and less as he tells you his fear of losing you to the Phantom Troupe.

.Kurapika's aware he's being hunted, as he's hunting them himself, and what more would lure him to them other than the person he's obsessed with.

.While he knows it's bad, he also thinks it's justified.

.Despite his growing obsession, he really does love you.

.He's always so kind! And very patient with you.

.Even if you don't notice now, your friends and family slowly but surely start to be cut out of the picture.

.Kurapika's not exactly clingy, but he is affectionate. Hand kisses, back hugs, and playing with your hair.

.He really is patient with you. Which is why punishments are harsh.

.An example of pissing him off quickly is anything revolving you dying, or you trying to escape.

.As for the punishment, if it's a suicide joke/or not, scarlet eyes would dig into your head then his hands would grip your shoulders a bit too quickly, then Kurapika screaming at you that if that were to happen he'd loose his motivation and will to live.

.After that, you're forced into an angry cuddle while you have to reassure him so you don't get locked up.

.As for escaping..well he has low tolerance for that.

.You'd be locked in the basement, restrained with chains/rope.

.He thinks this as a safety measure, so it'd be close to impossible to convince him to loosen them/let you go.

.Kurapika hates doing it, but if you continually talk back or refuse his love, he'll threaten you, or on a rare case, do it.

.After it's over, he bandages your wounds and kisses you all over to stop your crying.

.He really does treat you like royalty. He even takes you out sometimes so you can spend as much money as you want.

.Any threats towards you? They would be threatened back.

.And if that fool is that dumb to act on it, he comes back home and immediately takes a shower, claiming work was longer than usual.

.You'd have to act like you don't see his blood-covered hands.

.Adores the idea of getting married. He plans and will get you married to him one day.

.To be honest, he'd probably make it a Kurta-related wedding and make you wear a Kurta wedding dress.

.You? In Kurta clothing? His stomach fills of butterflies just thinking about it.

.Kurapika is very calm around his darling, also meaning he's also observing them a lot.

.He's just making sure you're not trying to pull anything! Since he can read you very clearly.

.He'd immediately know if something's different, you being nicer, or getting up at night randomly.

.If he knows somethings wrong, he simply reminds you you'll never escape him, plus, it's wrong to act so rude to your lover.

"You shouldn't act like that, ___. I'm just simply looking at how beautiful/handsome you look."

.He even tells you he doesn't like punishing you. But you'd have to be super bad to be punished by him.

.He goes to bed holding you, dreaming of your guys future together.

.Cause it'll happen. You just have to accept it sooner or later.

.Cause Kurapika loves you.

holy that's long anyway yaay first chapter done

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