Platonic! Killua

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I don't think I've ever seen a platonic Killua so ehem
plus I don't feel comfortable writing him as romantic cause LOOK HOW CUTE HE LOOKS AAA
plus I see him as a little kid

also this will be big sib/parent figure reader oks

.Oh wow, you're lucky.

.Killua has a really bad background with his family, so bonding with you surely took a lot of time.

.Even so when you've gained his okay/trust, he still is cautious around you. Don't take it personally, it'll surely go away once he realizes your only intention is to take care of him.

.At first, he probably thought you were pulling a prank, and didn't take your caring and concern seriously until about a month later.

.Hey. It'll probably take around a year or two until he sees someone with such an important role. Plus, he didn't exactly have that.

.Before he does see you as a sibling/parent figure, he probably denies it.

.A lot.

.He gets irritated when he sees so highly of them, and wants their approval before he does something stupid.

.But lets get over that, eventually he gives in and allows his darling to take care of him.

.Killua is very protective, and very careful on who he tells his relationship with you to. For example, he trusts Gon simply because he'll want to meet you, and know who Killua actually sees as family.

.Even if his darling is super weak, for even trying to become super important to an assassin. But he knows his darling doesn't have any bad intentions anymore, and feels guilty for not trusting them sooner.

.Really playful, he enjoys just simply talking to his darling, or always challenges you to something just so the two of you can play.

.He's also a decent amount of relying, not too much because of the fear in the back of his mind about his 'family' finding out about you.

.Relying meaning coming to them when he's in a bad mood or purposely not taking care of himself just so his darling can do it/remind him. (Ex. Brushing his hair)

.Probably teases his darling a lot. But it's just simple harmless teasing that they really shouldn't take seriously.

.As for affection, he gets really shy and sort of backs away when he receives affection such as hugging or a kiss on the forehead/cheek.

.Bur for affection towards them, he'll go as far as going on their back in public.

.Killua gets needy for attention, and though it's rare, he'll come to you when your playing/working and come sit on your lap, and wrap his arms and legs around your body.

.Its REALLY cute and the two of you just talk while you do your thing.

.He tries his best to hide you from the world, while also allowing you to do your things.

.Like stalking you when you go grocery shopping because he's afraid someone he has beef with will find you.

.For example, Illumi. He'd probably kill you on the spot if he finds out you're important to Killua.

.Plus, Killua always whines about you going somewhere, claiming he'd die without you home. Really just being a little kid.

.He really is mature though! He just wants to be a kid around you since now he actually have a loving sibling/parent. He sees this as his darling giving him something he didn't have while growing up.

.Would be really impressed if you know nen, and bothers you until you show him what you can do. And I mean basically laying beside you while he continually pokes you.

.For when he goes on trips, he texts you a lot and sends you memes.

.He really doesn't want to leave your house, but he is a hunter after all, plus he wants to hang out with Gon.

.Killua always tells you about his adventures, with Gon, the hunter exam, while you're trying to sleep but you want to listen. Or maybe during dinner.

.He also tells you about his family and what they did to him, so you'll want to stay by his side more.

.Since he really doesn't want to lose you.

.He'd murder almost anyone if your life was on the line, of course having some rethinking/hesitation towards people like Gon.

.He stays up at night since he doesn't really need sleep, mainly just staying up to make sure nothing happens to you when he's vulnerable.

.But when he does decide to sleep, he mainly sleeps with you, just having a leg or hand on you to make sure you're there.

.He'd probably shoot up scared if he didn't feel you for about a minute. He knows you get up to use the restroom but doesn't really like it when you do.

.He just gets mad like "Why'd you take so long?! You scared me😡" but then feels bad when you're half asleep and like "what"

.Dreams of you and him living peacefully, without his fear of his family.

.He'll probably kill them one day, but we'll see.


he's so cute ofngmnfmf

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