Platonic! Gon

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no chimera ant arc stuff because I'm not done it yet

they're so cutegeeee

reader is a older sibling/parental figure
also u live wherever you want, like whale island or yorknew..u choose

.He probably met you when he was small, like how he met Kite.

.Of course he'll see you as a older sibling/parent when you guys get more closer, but this is yandere so...

.It didn't take super long for Gon to let you take care of him, but he did hesitated at first, thinking of Aunt Mito.

.But now he lives with you, visiting Aunt Mito daily.

.Aunt Mito was a bit hurt, but didn't really care, knowing you'll take care of Gon.

.He really wants you to like her.

.It takes a long time for Gon to see them more intensely, since he truly has a kind and innocent heart.

.Like it takes him around 5-6 years to see them like that.

.He's super attached to you. And I mean both mentally and physically.

.He always likes clinging to your side, or just sitting next to you is okay.

.Gon is still very good friends with Killua, and always talks to you about him, about how cool he is and how much of a good friend he is.

.But he does see him a bit less to spend more time with you.

.Gon admires his sibling/parent greatly, and always helps them around the house whenever he can.

.He always accepts any gifts given to him, and always does his best to not break these.

.He'd be devastated if he did.

.Like legit crying and apologizing to you.

.You know his green outfit he always wears? That's the only outfit he has, and if given any from you, he'd wear those 24-7 too.

.Gon has a hard time being away from his darling, most likely always by their side.

.He can handle it, but only for so long. Like if you're out with friends, he can handle up to 4 hours. Then he comes looking around for you.

.When he finds you, (most likely from your scent or u telling him) he just simply sticks around. He doesn't say anything or do anything to your friends, he just needs to be by you.

.Gon is very relying. He has moments where he can't leave his darlings side, and needs their affection.

.His darling is most likely already affectionate with him, and if they're not, then he's more clingy.

.He really doesn't want to upset you with anything. You're his world, so he'd be heartbroken if he himself made you upset.

.If you're a parental figure to him, he's probably way more child-like. Playful. He always has a big smile on his face when around you, or it's you guys simply talking or hanging out.

.If you're a sibling figure, he's more on the joking side. He pulls simple pranks on you, or challenges you to a fishing challenge or something. Just something so you guys can have fun.

.But either one of the figures he sees you as, he always sleeps next to you. Most likely either hugging you or holding your hand.

.He can also tell when you leave the bed, but he knows you'll come back. He trusts you.

.And well, you always do, so he just hugs you tighter or holds your hand with a slight more grip.

.Dont worry, he's asleep. But he's a professional hunter. He can detect when something's about to hit him, so he simply does the same with you leaving him.

.Gon really loves going out in public with you, and you most likely met Killua, Kurapika and Leorio. If you did, Killua most likely told you that Gon wouldn't shut up about you.

.He always talks to them about you, not even worried for anything. But he stops after a while to not become annoying. Well, unless he's asked.

.You guys always go to a restaurant to eat supper, well, Gon's kinda filthy rich soo....

.Always takes you out at night if you guys can't sleep. Like stargazing or a walk near the beach.

.If his darling accidentally fell asleep, he'd legit carry you home. Or lay by your side and fall asleep too.

.Talks to you about everything that's happened when he was gone to become a hunter. The Exam, Killua and the others, Heavens Arena, all of that.

.As for you going out for groceries or something like that, he comes with you. He isn't worried like Killua or anything, but he just wants to help you.

.If the carts getting heavy for you, or like the water bottles at the bottom of the cart, he pushes/lifts it with ease. Saying something like,

"Don't worry, ____! I got this! :D"

.Would he kill anyone for you? In most cases, no.

.But if something were to threaten your life, and only YOUR life,



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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