Beggin' To Bleed | Three

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(A/N: Note, I will refer to North Carolina as Carolina since South Carolina isn't in the game, same with South Dakota being called Dakota.)

Raven opened a false wall in the captains quarters and grabbed his sword.

Raven activated his rigging and rushed out, but not before putting on a song

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Raven activated his rigging and rushed out, but not before putting on a song.

(A/N: Also, a fuckin' banger.)

He met a siren force that outnumbered them approximately 15-1.

Raven: I am the Raven, Omen of Death.

Raven turns into his siren form and rushed towards them, dodging shot after shot after shot.

A thunderous explosion erupts next to Raven. Revealing New Jersey.

NJ: Hey honey~

Raven: Focus on the mission, not her tits.

Raven shot arrow after arrow at sirens.

Raven: Low-Class Humanoids.

Raven takes out a tomahawk, of course with a midnight purple axe head and a black handle, and engages in CQC. 

Raven quickly dispatched of the low-class sirens. Now his eyes were set on the battlecarriers.


Raven rushed towards the battlecarriers while dodging the salvo's of the other ships.

Raven fired his arrows, hitting and sinking their respective ships. The battlecarriers were sunk.

Raven grabbed something out of a pocket in the quiver. A scuttle charge.

Raven: Heh.

Raven rushed towards the battleships still standing, attaching four charges just above the waterline.

Soon enough the placement was done and he detonated them.


Raven: Down with the Fallen.

Raven paused the music and went back to his ship.


Raven was in his captains quarters watching a video on YouTube.

The Raven (Azur Lane) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now