United We Stand, Divided We Fall | Fourteen (Finale)

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(A/N: S.O will stand for Super Orochi)

Arbiter: Remember, the u-boats did an incredible job on disrupting the siren supply chain. The S.O, if laid down, didn't finish, it's physically impossible even with our teleportation technology due to its limits.

Everyone nodded.

Raven: So everyone here is ready?

All the factions leaders nodded.

Raven: Alright. I'll go brief the fleet.

Raven walked to the briefing room, which was fucking huge, and faced the entire Azur Lane fleet. The leaders in tow.

Raven: Thank you all for waiting. I will now go over the plan.

The projector turned on showing an image of the sea, a circle that was filled in with red covered an area while little drawings that looked like ships were positioned outside of it. One of the ships was circled yellow. Montana was sitting next to the projector.

Raven: Eagle Union you will approach from sector Whiskey-4 when I give the signal. Next.

The projector changed pictures, the same one with a different ship circled.

Raven: Royal Navy, you will approach from sector Zulu-7. Next.

Raven kept on and on about the importance of the mission and where the fleets would approach from. However Raven's last comment sparked a extinguished flame in the hearts of the Azur Lane fleet.

Raven: This is where we take it all back. Either that, or we get nothing.


Raven was sailing around randomly. 

Raven: Come on...

Suddenly the sky turned red. A mirror sea. Justice appeared.


Raven: I am the Raven. Omen of Death.

Raven unsheathed Executioner and charged the siren fleet, cutting his way through ship after ship.

Raven eventually came upon the lower class humanoid sirens, they posed a little challenge due to the sirens recent developments. However Raven was cutting through them. Slowly but surely.

Then a group of them jumped on Raven, making him drop Executioner, which promptly sank into the ocean.

Raven: *groan*

Raven then started throwing punches at the sirens, making their faces bloody. Sure, he could use his rigging, but that would use more energy than using his hands. 

The continuous hand to hand combat was wearing Raven's stamina down at an alarming rate. No matter how many he killed, another took its place, number over quality tactics.

Raven: Adrenaline Surge!

Raven instantly felt his stamina come back, however he knew it wouldn't last too long.

Raven started using his rigging due to the Adrenaline Surge keeping his stamina at its peak for the time being. The damage was starting to be dealt. The gaps that formed in the lines were slower to be replaced. Battleships, Battlecarriers, Battlecruisers, none were safe.

However, Raven's abilities were hampered as Executioner was now at the bottom of the sea. Raven suddenly remembered the bow on his back and drew it along with an arrow, notching in the arrow. Raven also had a combat knife sheathed in his boot as well for emergency cases.

The Raven (Azur Lane) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now