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After their first subject surprise test...

Jimin: i think all of you are already done


Jimin: i think we should have one more subject, before that we'll take a recess time

-Some of them agreed some not-

Rose: what subject sir?

Jimin: math

Lisa: what the-

-she whisper shout-

Rose: M-math?!

Lisa: we're dead, i hate maaaaaaaaaath

Rose: same to you girl

Lisa: who did even invented the subject MATH

Jimin: two girls at the back, is there something wrong?

Lisa: umm nothing sir

-she said i cute low voice-

Jimin:-why is she so cute?!!-

-he screamed inside-

Jimin: okay then let's start

-he smiled and sit back on his chair-

After sometimes

Jimin; times up, pass me all the paper

Lisa: are you sure about what we answered?

Rose: of course no i was just like okay A,B,C,D,D,C,B,A. That's it

Lisa: how about in the part show your solution

Rose: leave it

Lisa: i can't, it's embarrassing

Rose: it's more embarrassing when we showed wrong solution

-she said as she widened her eyes-

Lisa: fine!

Jimin: Ms. Park Ms. Manobal, only the two of you are left here

Lisa: sorry sir

-they both pass their papers with unsure look on their faces-

Jimin:(he laugh in an adult way)

Rose: sir, why are you laughing?

Jimin: it's just the two of you, the way you both look at eachother with unsure look, hesitating to pass it to me

Lisa: aish

-she pout-

Jimin: why?

Lisa; are making fun on us sir?

Jimin: nope, just give me that so you can have your lunch

-he smile-

Chaelisa: okay

while walking heading to the cafeteria

Lisa: is he being childish earlier?

Rose: i don't know, i think we're just really funny

Lisa: at first look i thought he's that kind of teacher that is terror

Rose: hmm? me i think he's an angel

Lisa: hmm maybe

Rose: like you, you look like an angel

Lisa:(she rolled her eyes)



Rose: make friends?

Lisa; nah, empty seat?

Rose: i don't know how introvert can manage to be alone

Lisa: they say introverts are strong people. They can be all alone, can be happy ALONE, can find peace ALONE. and i don't know how extrovert handle being so talkative

-she said as they sat on the empty table-


while eating peacefully

???: can i join?

Lisa: Mr. Park?, you should be eating with other profs. 

Rose:(she nodded as she take a big bite on her burger)

Jimin: is it bad if i join students?

Lisa:(she shook her head)

Eugene: hey! Mr. Park

Jimin: o-oh!  Ms. Choi

-he smile nervously and awkwardly-

Eugene: how you doing?

Jimin: umm eating, i need to go bye

Eugene: you're not done yet

-she said as she grab Jimin's wrist-

Jimin:(widened his eyes only the two students can see)

Chaelisa:( controlling their laugh)

???: Ms. Choi Mr. principal called you

Eugene: bye for now handsome

-she said as she carriers Jimin's cheek-

Jimin:(he feel disgusted)

after she leave

Jimin:(drinks water and wipe his face with wipe)

Rose: sir how's Ms. Choi's touch?  

Jimin: Night mare

Lisa:(she laugh loud but cute)

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