an ordanaty dai...

12 0 0

sou was making eggs in the kitchen with kai when...

"H-hey sou?"
Sou looked up at the man, his lovely black hair pushed back, and his pitch black eyes staring deep into his soul. God,he wasso attractive.

"Sou..your toes..."

HUH??? SOu realized he WASNT WEARING SOCKS!!!!! His face turned read, and he started to panik!!! He HATED his toes!!! They were so musty, and he COULD NOT let kai SEE them!!!

HE RAN cryig, so embaressed!
HE cried and cried in a corner

I HATE MY LIFE! he thought, it SUCKS! KAI SAW MY PIGGIES!!! hE buried his hands i n his face and sobber

UNTIL! KAI camw! 

"sou,,,i love your toes! They are so attracgive!!!"
Sou started to cry, he loved kai so much!

And then they got married

the end

this was obviously a joke send help right now

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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