Link Into the V.R.A.I.N.S!

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Link V.R.A.I.N.S(Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence Network System), a massive virtual universe created for the betterment of humanity. It is here where people from around the world gather to participate in the world's most popular game, Duel Monsters. A personal haven for duelists, everyone has become thankful that such a massive, difficult, but extraordinary creation was made. But unbeknownst to all, in a hidden world within Link V.R.A.I.N.S known as "The Cyberse," events were taking place which would reshape the future. 

"Now, Cracking Dragons, destroy the Cyberse!" A man and woman dressed in white spoke as 3 ginormous black and green metal dragons were destroying the hidden virtual world. 

"4 of the Ignis are ensnared, Revolver! Only 2 more and we'll have succeeded in laying waste to this world!" The woman spoke as, away in the distance, 2 small humanoid creatures known as "Ignis" floated in front of a red data circle which was holding the other 4 Ignis that had been captured. The two free Ignis, one black and purple with yellow eyes, and the other dark and lime green with red eyes, tried using their powers to free their companions, but to no avail. 

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"Hurry up and get out of here, before the Knights of Hanoi capture the two of you as well!" One of the trapped Ignis shouted

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"Hurry up and get out of here, before the Knights of Hanoi capture the two of you as well!" One of the trapped Ignis shouted. 

"No way that'll happen, ain't no one can catch me!" The black and purple Ignis stated with confidence as one of the so-called "Knights of Hanoi's," Cracking Dragons was currently flying over to either capture or destroy the two remaining Ignis.

"Don't have time to argue or save you guys! Come on, we gotta go, go, go, go before that big dragon eats us!" The green Ignis said as it pulled on the black and purple one. The two broke through a protective barrier which concealed the Cyberse and began to make their escape. 

"Don't let those two escape!" The male Knight of Hanoi said as one of their Cracking Dragons went after the two Ignis, breaking through the barrier as well and quickly catching up to them. 

"Oh snap, it's gaining!" The black and purple Ignis panicked as the dragon caught up and clamped its massive metal jaws onto the Ignis. The two were crushed and broken up into pieces, with nothing but a single eye from both of them surviving and rifting away into cyber space.

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