Describing Scenes

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I was standing at the beginning of what looked like an abandoned street; abandoned being an estremely derisory term to describe this terror-striking, nightmare-inducing, horror of a place. The cobbled road, which must have once been full of life and bustling with people, was now dilapidated and derelict with potholes dotting the entire path and pieces of debris lay strewn across the floor.

Putrefying trees permeated either side of the street, their emanciated, black branches reaching towards the sky like the fingers of a witch. Their trunks were hunched and crooked as if they had lost the will to carry their own weight.

Sinister, stormy clouds loomed overhead like a thick blanket, locking out what little illumination the moon had provided. A raven cawed in the distance, almost as if it's piercing wail was warning me away from what I was about to find...

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