The Storm

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The storm was ferocious, formidable and fearless. The Morrigan was thrown back and forth across the ocean so easily it was as if she weighed nothing at all. Her large black sails were extended out as far as we could get them to try and get us as far away from the Great Storm as we could.

But alas, we were stuck trapped within her grasp, unable to escape. The wind howled at us and the ocean tugged on the Morrigan, trying to pull us deeper into her icy depths with no luck. So far.

She was a monster; lunging across the deck at us, she swept men off their feet and carried them over the edge of the ship. Then with an ear-shattering crack, the main mast broke and fell away. Men were flung overboard by the mast and the sea greedily gobbled them up.

Then suddenly, it was calm. The storm receded immeadiately. The skies cleared, the sea calmed. T'was as if the storm had never occured. The only evidence: the ship's broken mast, us and the still-hostile sea.

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