Meeting them

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Ink Demon
You were just. Wandering in the studio, unaware of the Ink Demon and his plan to sneak attack you. You don't know why you were there. You certainly didn't need anything here. So why were you here, wandering in this labyrinth of a studio? Were you bored? Did you enter out of curiosity? You didn't know.

You never had the feeling that someone might have made the studio their home. Sure, the building was old and falling apart, and there was a strange black liquid oozing through the seams. But that didn't raise any red flags for you. You just thought the old studio felt a bit surreal, that was all.

You didn't become aware of its presence until you heard quick little pitter-patters coming from behind you. And they were weird, because the pitter-patters also sounded... wet?

You definitely needed to turn around.

And thank God you did, because what you saw once you turned scared the hell out of you!

It was this long, skinny creature, and when I said skinny, I meant he was skinny to the bone. It had this bow tie that was placed at an awkward angle on its chest. Or ribcage. Its left hand was this big goofy glove that seemed disproportionate with the rest of its body. Its right hand, however, just looked derpy. It was small, and human like, compared to the rest of its body. And its legs. Oh, God its legs. Its left leg was... you didn't know how to explain it. You guess it looked... drippy? Again, you couldn't really find the right words to describe its left leg. Its right leg just looked like a chicken's leg, no questions asked. And that face. Its face was probably the worst part. Its head was shaped like someone had taken a bite out of a cookie, but without the bite marks. It had this black liquid that seemed to run down its face and drip off its body. Looking closer, you saw that was all it was made of. The thing that bothered you the most about its face was this shit-eating grin that was plastered on its face. That grin. Just by looking at it you could tell it would never falter, even as it chased you now.


But alas, it was to late to run as the goopy thing already had you cornered against the wall. It was still standing up straight as it held one hand next to either side of your head. You found you had been in a trance. You had been so lost in examining it that you didn't notice it had been staring at you the whole time, confused as to why you didn't start screaming... and running the moment you saw him.

"... Don't you know it's rude to stare, toots?"

Oh, Y/n. How did you get in this mess?

Here you were, running for your life inside a long-abandoned, yet fancy looking hotel, gripping your trusty tablet in hand.

You have no idea how you acquired this tablet, all you know is that it's been with you since you've entered this... realm? Dimension? Hell? You didn't know what to call it, but the latter seemed the most fitting. This was definitely hell, if not another version of hell. Or at the very least a place between heaven and hell.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by that woman's voice again.
"Love. Have you any idea what to do next? You have all of the soul shards now, go to the ring altar and get the ring piece!"

Looking at your tablet you glanced at the white number at the top of the screen: 0, it read. What a coincidence. You had subconsciously collected all the shards while in your thoughts AND being chased by monkeys. Terrifying, bloodthirsty monkeys!

Lucky you. =)

Speaking of monkeys, you heard an ear-shattering screech coming from behind you, prompting you to run faster. You did just that.

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