Introducing Eachother

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Ink Demon
"Don't you know it's rude to stare, toots?"

You being you, decided to counter with sarcasm.
"Nooo! Staring is a nice thing to do!"

"SO YOU'VE BEEN STARING BECAUSE YOU THINK I'M A MONSTER?! YOU'VE BEEN STARING BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN TRYING TO BREAK ME?!" He snarled at you. You say 'he' now because that voice of his was definitely male. You also noticed he still had you pinned to the wall.
"SEE? YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN! YOU'RE STARING!" "I'm not staring, I'm just lost in thought!" You said. He snarled at you and grabbed your arm with his large, gloved, cartoonish left hand and started walking you somewhere.

This immediately triggered alarms in your head. "Wait... where are we going?"
No answer from the goopy creature.
"I said, where. Are. We. Going?"
Again, no answer from him, just a low, annoyed growl.
Now you were scared. Maybe you were gonna die. You couldn't let that happen. What would he do with your remains? Was he gonna eat them? Feed them to something? Was he even going to kill you? Or was he going to do something even worse? Was he going to enslave you? Torture you?

These thoughts alone were enough to trigger your fight-or-flight reflex. You began scratching and slapping at his hand which held your arm. "I SAID, 'WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME'?! LET ME GO! I'M SORRY I STARED! I DIDN'T MEAN TO, HONEST! PLEASE LET ME GO, I DON'T WANT TO DIE I CAN'T DIE NOW I DON'T WANT TO-"

Not wanting to get on his bad side any more than you already were, you shut up, hoping it would make him not hurt you. But you didn't even know if he wanted to hurt you or not. So you guess that outbreak of yours was REALLY unnecessary...

Not after long you two arrived at a big room, with lots of chairs and desks, and drawings of a little croissant-looking character, whom you have concluded to be 'Bendy', as evidenced by the plethora of posters with this character pasted on the walls.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the screeching of a chair against the rotting, yellowed floor. The creature pointed to the chair and said, "Sit." You swallowed any fear you had and strolled over to the chair. You sat.

After you sat, the creature pulled a chair out from one of the desks and sat down across from you. "So, let's cut to the chase, broad/bud/you person." He said. "Why are you here?" You, once again, didn't actually have an answer to that. You have asked yourself this many times since you've arrived, and still didn't know the answer to your own question. So you made something up. "I was curious. This place has been sitting here collecting dust since I was little, maybe even longer." That was a half-lie. While this place has been sitting for a while, it never really interested you. It was always just another building in your eyes. "Since... you were small?" He looked bewildered. "Well.. how old are you?"
"Oh... and you say the studio has probably been here longer?" "I don't know. What do you think?" He went silent. "Wow..." he said in... actually, you couldn't tell what emotion that was.
He snapped out of his shock (or what you assumed was shock) and turned his attention back to you. "Okay. Last question." You nodded and turned your attention to him. "Who do you think you are, breaking into my studio, talking to me like that?! You've got some nerve to snap at a demon like that, toots!" Ohhh! He's a demon! That makes more sense. "I'm y/n, and had I known you're a demon, of course I wouldn't have ticked you off! I'm not THAT brave!" "Ah! Yer' crossing the line again, doll!" Not wanting to anger him, you decided to ask him a question instead.

"I've told you my name. You know who I am. Who are you?" He looked at you like you were an idiot. "You really don't know who I am?" Now was your turn to look at him like you were an idiot. "Nooo..." He looked at you in disbelief. "I'll give you a hint. My face is everywhere in this God forsaken studio." You paused. It took a moment to sink in. Then it hit you. "Oh... you're..."

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