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A little girl was only sitting eating her strawberry jam sandwich while watching some kids playing soccer. She was a loner. Never had friends before. It's like the world around her is really cold. She doesn't know how to interact anyone really well. She doesn't know why some people love to play soccer or always keep playing that sport.
While she was busy eating and watching the kids playing, she didn't noticed that a couple of really mean two bullies heading towards her.

Veronica: Aww. Look, it's the White Freak, eating her sandwich.
Vivian: Yeah! Hey, White Freak! Did your mommy made you that sandwich's strawberry jam out from her mouth gum?

The "White Freak remained silent. Trying to not look at the two mean girls and tries to ignore them. She tried not to cry because she doesn't want to make a scene and let some kids noticed her crying. If they did they might laugh at her.

Vivian: Hey, don't give us the silent treatment!
Veronica: Yeah! How dare you trying to ignore us?!
Vivian: Will you please stopped staring at your sandwich and looked at us?! 
Veronica: Oh. Still giving us the silent treatment, huh?! Well. You just made a huge mistake, White Freak!!

Veronica took the white-haired girl's sandwich and threw it on the floor and stomped it with her own shoes while her friend giggled. The poor girl couldn't do anything to defend herself. She was really scared in the inside. Veronica and Vivian are the only girls who would always picked on her and no one dares to help her from the two witches because they are afraid that they might be going to be the two bullies' new victims.

Suddenly, she heard Veronica cried "Ouch" all of a sudden. When she looked up. Veronica rubs her head in pain and she sees a soccer ball right beside on Veronica's feet. 

Veronica: That really hurts!! My head!!
Vivian: Where did this ball come from?!
Veronica: That really hurts!
Vivian: Alright! Who threw this ball?!
Mylie: Sorry. It was me! That's what you get for picking on this poor girl.
Allison: Yeah! And that poor sandwich!
Vivian: Who are you girls?!
Veronica: And, how dare you threw this ball to my face?! You have no right! I'm going to tell my mommy about this!
Allison: Go ahead! Like we will care what your mommy's about to say! Also. When I'm done eating this really big juicy fried chicken leg. I'm going to shove bone right into your throat!
Veronica: Are you threatening me?!
Allison: No. I'm threatening the two of you! You if you two don't run. I will count to three and then, I will break some of your pretty fingers!
Mylie: Ohhh. Trust me. She will really do it.
Vivian: Pfft! She's only bluffing! There is no way that she will-

The girl with a platinum blonde hair suddenly snapped one of Vivian's fingers.

Vivian: OWWW!!! That really hurts!!!
Allison: I know. Want another one? 
Vivian: No!!
Allison: Then, scram!!

The two bullies screamed and starts to run away while crying. The two girls high-fived, the white-haired couldn't believe that these two strangers just saved her. No one really had saved her from Veronica and Vivian before. She wants to thank them but she couldn't.

Mylie: Hey. Are you okay?
Allison: Aww. The poor sandwich. And, I was going to eat it! You won't mind, right?
Mylie: Allison!! *Giggles* Sorry about her. This is my best friend Allison Powell. Oh, and I'm Mylie Shayne. And you are?
Brielle: It's Brielle. Brielle Charles... Also. Why did you girls helped me? There's no really for you two to helped me...
Mylie: Hey. Don't say that. Also. I really like your white hair. It's really fluffy and white. Like a cloud.

Brielle's really surprised to hear something like this from Mylie. She blushes a little bit. Nobody ever said something nice about her fluffy white hair before.

Mylie: Hey, Brielle. Wanna play soccer with us?
Brielle: You're inviting me?
Allison: Yeah. Not until you have another sandwich with you.
Brielle: I .... don't know how to play soccer.... No one ever invited me before...
Mylie: Oh, it's fine. We can teach you if you will play with us. Trust me. Soccer is really cool.
Brielle: Okay...

Sometime later. The three girls played football while the two teach Brielle how to play. Brielle was having a hard time of learning how to be a forward, a midfielder and a defender. But, at least she actually did learn how to be a goalkeeper so easily.
Brielle never felt so happy before. 

Days slowly passed and Brielle begins to changed, thanks to Mylie and Allison who would always hangout with her. She becomes a really cheerful, friendly and a carefree girl. Her parents even noticed this and they were really happy about it.

Mrs. Charles: You always seemed really happy, sweetie. Is it because of your new friends? 
Brielle: Yeah. Thanks to them. I became someone I am now. I never felt any of these before. I wanna play with Mylie and Allison always and forever. 


Mylie: You're moving away?!
Brielle: Yeah..
Allison: Why? Aren't you happy with us?
Brielle: Of course, I am. It's just. My dad just received a phone call and they offer my parents to transfer me to this school called The Omega Kingdom. Oh, don't feel bad. Maybe someday, we'll see each other again. 
Mylie: Promise?
Brielle: Yeah. When we see each other again. Promise that we will play soccer as a team. The three of us.
Mylie/Allison: Yeah!!
Mylie: Not only that. Someday, the three of us and our own team will became football champions. The three of us, standing in the top.
Brielle: I like that! That will be something that I will never forget! I promise also, that I will never forget about you guys! You two will always be my best friends! *Sobs* I really don't want to leave you two! But, it's for the best...

The three of them couldn't hold back their tears and they started to cry while hugging each other. Mylie pulled out something from her pocket, and she put it on Brielle's hair. It was a hair clip, a beautiful hairclip. Which is a silver butterfly that the wings are decorated with tiny pearls, rose quartz beads, sapphires rubies and diamonds. The butterfly is attached to a pink ribbon. Brielle removes the hairclip to see it. And, once she saw it. Her eyes sparkled, it was the most beautiful hair clip she had ever earned from Mylie. She thanked her for the hair clip, she puts it back on to her fluffy white hair and she gave her two best friends another hug.

The next day. Brielle and her family had already moved away. At least Brielle already bid farewell to her two best friends.
The three best friends will see each other someday.
Omega Kingdom. Brielle doesn't know why she's been picked to transfer that school. But, she believes that everything will be "fine".... 

Brielle arrives at Omega Kingdom. But, once she stepped inside. She notices that the atmosphere is strange. The kids around are all like lifeless. Because, none of them are talking, showing some emotions. This just doesn't feel like. It's like the whole school is filled with robots with no emotions.

This isn't what she actually imagines. Brielle couldn't find a single student showing some emotions. 

Brielle: What's with this school? Why is everybody....This is sad to see.... They all reminded me of my old self...This school. Is not exactly what I pictured in my mind. It's really sad. 

Just then, two men with black suits with a woman who seems to be wearing a lab coat approaches Brielle, the woman gestures the little girl to follow her and Brielle with no hesitation, follows her. She could feel that someone is secretly watching her. But, she tries not to worry about it.

Poor, Brielle. She thought that Omega Kingdom might be a really nice and wonderful school. But, it turns out there is something deep going in this school. Something deep and dark.
Something that will try to crush her life and her pride in soccer once again.

But, let's just hope that she won't be the only one.
She already misses Mylie and Allison and wished that the two of them were here with her, so she won't have to be alone in this sad, lifeless school. She notices a young boy staring at her. He was like a lifeless robot, just like the kids around, then all of a sudden. He smirked, then he leaves. Brielle was confused of this. She just decided to ignore it and continues to follow the woman. 
the woman led Brielle to a room and the door closes when they entered.

There was suddenly a noise started to be heard from the other side of the room...
And, Brielle's scream and then, her crying could be heard.