The Rivers Edge: Part 1

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Our story is about a town.
A small town. And the people who live in the town. From a distance it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world.
Get closer though and you starts seeing the shadows underneath.
The name of our town is Riverdale.

And our story begins, I guess, with what the Blossom twins did this summer. On July 4th, just after dawn, Jason and Cheryl Blossom drove out to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride.

The next thing we know happened for sure is that Dilton Doiley who was leading Riverdale's Boy Scout Troop on a bird watching expedition, came upon Cheryl by the river's edge.

Riverdale Police dragged Sweetwater River for Jason's body, but never found it.

So a week later the blossom family buried an empty casket, and Jason's death was ruled an accident as the story Cheryl told made rounds. That Cheryl dropped a glove in the water, and Jason reached down to get it.


A month had gone by since I first arrived in Riverdale. Since then though, I've grown closer with my family again-especially Archie. We hung more when he wasn't working down at Andrews construction site or hanging out with friends we spent most of the time playing video games in his room or at pop's chock'lit shoppe which has now become my one of my new favorite hang out spots as well as the bijou. Thanks to Archie and uncle Fred I was now finally, more acquainted with riverdale.

Right now I was sitting in front of my vanity applying mascara getting ready meet with Archie and finally get to meet his friend Betty at pop's when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

U commin soon?

Yep see ya soon

Among all things about riverdale I think Archie talked about Betty the most. Every time she came up it was always about how long they have been friends or how great she was and all kinds memories they shared together so I didn't take a genius to know that she was special to him. And as it turned out, was actually the blonde girl who waved at me from next door.

Grabbing my jacket I made sure to say goodbye to uncle Fred before heading to pop's.


Opening the door into pop's I took in the feeling it gave off and the scent that came everytime I came here, the calmness and the comfort of it all. It didn't take a genius to see why the people of this town liked to come here-especially the teenagers.

I looked around before spotting my cousin in a booth across from the familiar blonde ponytail that was Betty Copper, and some other girl they were talking to.

'Did archie invite another friend and for get to tell me?' I thought as I walked closer to them. 'She is pretty gorgeous though'.

"Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote?" The raven haired girl asked the two teens in the booth, to which they both replied with a nod.

"I'm breakfast at Tiffany's but this place is strictly in cold blood" the new girl says. Even though she was a stranger I couldn't help but like her already. Anyone who reads Truman Capote and can make a tasteful joke is definitely worth attention. My cousin started laughing along with her probably not knowing what she wasn't talking about.

"Veronica Lodge"

"Archie Andrews" he shakes his hand before turning his gaze finally noticing me.

"Oh, Nat hey you finally made it" he exclaimed causing the other two girls to notice me as well.

"Hey arch" I waved before turning to the dark haired girl dressed in a stunning black cape.

"Veronica Lodge" she introduced holding her hand out which I shook.

"Natalie Sawyer nice to meet you" I smiled politely. "So I take it that your new here?" I ask.

"Yeah from new York"

"Oh really. Well I just moved here too so, from one new girl to another, welcome to Riverdale" I say to causing Veronica to smile at me gratefully.

"Uh this is Betty Copper" Archie interjects as I tilted my head with recognition and smiled and at her.

"Wait..are you"

"Supposed to give you guys your tour tomorrow? Yes. I'm you peer mentor" Betty replies somewhat shy and sweet

"Do you wanna join us?" Archie spoke up again. "Hey maybe we can unfill you with dread"

"My mom is waiting for me" Veronica hesitates for a second before continuing " be continued".

Veronica finally walks out bidding me farewell leaving just me, Archie, and Betty in a somewhat awkward silence until Archie broke it.

"So Nat, why don't you go grab a menu and have a seat"

"Okay I'll be right back"


As I got to know Betty Copper more over our favorite milkshakes, I felt a bit more at ease about starting my new life in riverdale, and what's more I felt somewhat better about starting school the next day. At first glance you could see that Betty was the kind of girl who was quiet and followed the rules but to me she was also smart and caring. By now Archie and I were on our way home.

"So, what did you think?"

"Of Betty?" I ask to which he responds with a nod. I pause for a second before thinking of words to say. "Well I liked her, I can see why you two are great friends in fact I think she actually likes you a little bit" I say with a smirk on my face.

"Who Betty?" Archie's asked and I nodded. "No way" he denies

"Yeah and probably would've noticed if you weren't too busy looking at that Veronica girl from earlier" I half tease him making Archie roll his eyes at me as we made it home. I just hope that Betty doesn't have feelings for him so much that she'd be hurt if he didn't feel the same way about her.

I went to bed that night with my bear tucked under my arm and a some relief about tomorrow.

Who knows maybe being here wont be so bad.

Sorry for the long wait readers but I hope all the writers out there who have gone through bad cases of writers block will understand. And yes I know this isn't much to go on right now but I promise it will get much better and anyway hope you guys are enjoying this so far xo😜☺

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