The River's Edge: Part 2

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"Time to get up kiddo"

I rubbed my eyes awake before sitting up to begin what was sure to be an interesting new day. And after debating on what I should wear I decided on a sweater and a mini skirt (both in my favorite color) along with a my favorite jean jacket.

My hair was naturally wavy from sleep so I brush my hair a couple of times with my fingers before adding braid and my favorite black hair ribbon for a bit of style. Even even though I didn't feel like wearing too much makeup I still put on some mascara and some pink lip gloss, and my white sneakers to top off my whole look.


I waited for in the kitchen with some coffee some toast for Archie to come down stairs since he said he would walk to school together with me. Uncle Fred pulled me out of my near-impatience by put his hand on my shoulder. "You nervous?" He asked.

"About School?" He nods yes. "Well I was a little at first...but no" I shake my head.

"Good, cause you are a wonderful girl and a great student and I know you'll be just fine kiddo" he smiled kissing my for head. "Thank you" I smiled warmly.

"Hey dad it's the first day of school and Nat and I are already late" Archie calls out. "Yeah no shit Sherlock didn't you get a wake up call too?" I yell with annoyance in my voice while Archie grabbed a piece of toast from uncle Fred.

"Sorry to keep you waiting bambi" he said with a teasing tone in his voice bending down to rub the family dogs ears before grabbing a piece of toast from uncle Fred.

"You dropping by the site later?"

"Dad it's my first day of school" Archie says.

"We gotta get you going in the office so that next summer your not on the crew" Fred tells Archie. I paused in sipping my coffee and gave my cousin a knowing look which he didn't seem to notice notice.

"We'll I can't I've got football try outs...or is that not okay?" Archie asked

"No no uh it's okay. Good luck" Fred stammered just as I finished the rest of my coffee. Archie rushed past him first but I made sure to stop and give fred a side hug, a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"See You later uncle Fred"

"Bye kiddo. Good luck to you too" he smiles back. When archie lead me out the door, I stood behind him with a similar knowing look from before with my arms crossed getting him to finally notice. "What?" He asks.

"So to be clear you are actually planning on telling him about your plans music, and you writing songs and everything right?"

"Of course I am now let's go"


I found Betty and my fellow new girl from last night. Me and her walked side by side down the halls next to our blonde, ponytail wearing peer mentor as she gave us our school tour.

"So I usually start my tours off with a little history and context. Riverdale high first opened it's doors in 1941 and..."

Veronica cut Betty off. "And hasn't been redecorated since apparently. Honestly I feel like I'm in the lost epilogue of our town"
Betty and I look to each other with a bit of surprise before sharing a small laugh.

"What's the social scene like here any, night clubs?" Veronica continues. Betty was about to reply before a guy came into our little group passing Veronica to get before us all beating out peer mentor to it.

"A strip club called the vie zone, a tragic gay bar called innuendo" he answers walking backwards facing us.

"Friday night football games and then tailgate parties at the Mallmart parking lot, Saturday night is movie night, regardless of what's playing at the bijou, and you better get there early because we don't have reserved seating in riverdale" he added before stopping and putting his arm around Betty's shoulder causing a smile to appear on her face telling me thay as friends they adored each other.

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