8.Vallhalla vs touman

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Hello~ Its me! And just saying u will only do 10 parts if this cause in gonna name a S2 if this hehe A-anyways On to the story!

Take-Chan P. O. V

It was finally the day of TOMAN Vs Valhalla I changed to the uniform if Valhalla and goes to the fight I saw takeyomi and smiled at him the others noticed me and was shocked 'the reason why he didn't accept was because He was joining Valhalla?!..' Mikey thought tho I can read his mind so yup that's it!  But it joined just to save baji Hehe and so it started I looked and saw yomi-chin getting beaten but mitsuya was there so and Kazu is leading Mikey at the top of the cars when I was spacing out somebody tried to punch me but I noticed his presence and kick him in the stomach that he was unconscious I stared at Kazu worried and Kazu saw me and smiled cheerfully I smiled at him and so a few minutes has passed and vallhallas members are so many that TOMANs members was exhausted but u know what will happen yomi-chin will says something encouraging I heard yomi-chin screeming "pffft" I laughed a little "COME AT ME,JACKASSES!!" he said "I-IM GONNA END THIS... " yomi-chin said "I-ILL CRUSH ALK OF YOU!!" yomi-chin said loudly 'is that really how I sounded like?.. ' I thought and everyone was hyped up yomi-chin passed out and mitsuya catches him "not bad Takemitchy.." mitsuya said the fight begins again I beat up some tomabmembwrs a bit cause they always coming after me oh come on and then Kazu said something "I'll have to kill the enemy to make me a hero" hmm that's is what he said "IS THAT WHY.. " Mikey said "IS THAT WHY YOU KILLED OUR FRIEND!! " Mieky said that mad kazu shocked he got rid of the two boys stopping him and kicked Kazu in the face making him knocked out..

The vallhalla members keep coming at Mikey while Mikey was sitting yomi-chin was about to go to Mikey but kisaki got there first and protected him and there baji came and I knew what was gonna happen and so I goes to yomi-chin side "huh?.. Yuki-chan?.." he said scared "no worries!  I'm not gonna hurt you!" I said which made chifuyu and yomi-chin confused "hmm goodluck" I whispered like I know everything while baji was going to kisaki chifuyu stopped him baji said to move but chifuyu said no and so baji pushed him but chifuyu said no and theb yomi-chin came to stop him like I did but the one who is gonna kill baji is over there.. Running towards us and so "IM SORRY KAZU I GOTTA DO THIS!" I yelled and kicked Kazu in the face which made him shocked "GOMEN GOMEN KAZU I JIST DONT WANT YOU TO GO TO JAIL AGAIN! " I sit while bowing I broke the knife using my hands while everyone was confused I licked the blood of my hands like I was a vampire I looked at them and said "Wut?.. " I was confused and I just got towards Kazu "Oi you ain't gonna sit there forever right!" I said while smiling cheerfully while he grabs my hand "ITS KISAKI AND HANMAS FAUKT BAKAAA NOT MIKEY OR BAJI YOU HONTONI BAKA!" I said cheerfully while hitting his back "h-hey that hurts!! " Kazu said "Hehe gomen Kazu umm Mikey and baji I'm really sorry for Kazus act" I said while bowing "W-WHAT ARE TOU MY MOM" Kazu said "urusai Kazu" I said cold "h-hai" Kazu said nervously "umm yuki-chan?" yomi-chin said "huh?  What is it yomi-chin?" I said "why are you helping us.. " he said "...well IDK REALLY HEHE! " I said coldy at the start but then cheerfully at the end "e-ehh" yomi-chin said "oh well bye bye yomi-chin and Kazu.." I said "y-yes?" Kazu said "we. Are. Gonna. Have. A. Nice. Talk. A. Friendly.one." I said while smiling creepily as I grabbed his ear and goes out the fight.. "w-well that was weird.  " chifuyu said and then the fight begins once again and TOMAN won like it should be now baji iS saved, 'phew done finally'i lectured Kazu and said to him to apologize and he did Kazu joined TOMAN while I didn't cause I shouldn't 'hmm guess yomi-chin is back at the future heh'i thought and so "it's dangerous to be with TOMAN I am a Pyshopath and they ate normal I shouldnt stay close to them I feel like I need to kill.. " I said quietly I killed 10 people's this time not feeling guilty and just smiling like a child I took a bath and yomi-chin finnaly is in the future where Mikey killed everyone and izana killed naoto heh. 

T. B. C

Hello!  I just wanna say I haven't read the manga yet and I just know this cause of TikTok and I hope you understand thank you for reading and I have something in mind for the next chapter which is the future yomi-chin got into Hehe anyways see you guys at the next chapter!!

Word count:891

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