The ones we loved pt.1

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"Alone or not, you gotta walk forward"

"There has been 16 murders over last month, all of them teenage boys, similar looks- not much in common" says Straus, taking sip of her coffee.

"And they are just calling us? After 16 murderers?" Well known David Rossi exclaimed.

"The town is a tourist attraction, most times they want to keep information inside, to keep the popularity" I reply "But there are towns that openly talk about it to gain popularity" I say looking up from the files.

"This could be surrogate situation, baby girl did you find anything?"

"Nada, they didn't even know each other via Facebook mutuals, which is fascinating, it just feels like everyone knows everyone the-"

"Garcia" hotch interrupts.

"Right back to digging"

"M.E. report shows that they were hanged, for a while they thought it was a line of suicides" said Straus.

"What changed?" Asked Emily.

"They found that same ropes and midozolam injection were used in all, which is what they use on people to relieve anxiety and cause drowsiness or to preventany memory of the event. They also often use it as part of anesthetics to put patients to sleep before surgery. Actually history shows that over the cen-" the doctor was cut off mid sentence for second time today.

"So he might have reach to medical resources." Said Derek

"Why he?" I ask

Derek looked at me waiting for the explanation.

I lean forward and start.

"If this person is trying to make it look like a suicide then we need to pay attention to way the 'suicide' happened. Men are known to have much messier suicides such as jumping off something or cutting their veins open, while women tend to have much more tidy suicides for examples overdose. All of them were young teenage boys from age 14-17, not to mention the knock out drugs, which point to the fact that unsub might not be able to overpower them." I state. "We have to take it in idea that this might be a female."

Derek looks at me pleasantly surprised.

"Plane will land in 30 minutes" says hotch. "Prentiss and Derek, you two talk with the family members, Reid you'll build the geographical profile"

"I'll be in police station too" says Straus to witch hotch replies with a nod.

" y/n you should interview the friends of the victims" he says. "Me and Rossi will check the M.E. offices. Get some rest now everybody"
I simply nod.

After plane lands I get in the backseat of the SUV with Emily and Derek.

"What do you think- is it for revenge?" Emily asks a question not targeting it to anyone.

"It really does seem like a surrogate situation" answers Morgan. "But this is a small town, what are the chances that these kids all knew each other and did something together"

"Statistically 1 out of 400 or something" I mention. Silence fell. "I heard Agent Rossi ask the doctor same thing"

"I have a feeling you left out the 3 other paragraphs" jokes Emily

"I didn't even hear the rest" I chuckle.

After arriving to one of the friend's houses Emily and Derek leave, promising to return in 30 minutes.

I knock on the door only to be greeted by a tired looking blonde man.

"We already told the police everything-" he says.

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