The phonecall butcher

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"A life might end, but sometimes their case lives forever"

"It's not the same unsub" Rossi says coming in.

"So we have a copycat" hotch says.

"Not quiet, Reid?" Rossi looks at him.

"I think it's a prodigy, the unsub was taught every little detail about these kills, the type is the same too, blondes, petite, low risk, high class"

"Well that's new" Morgan says.

"Reid, Prentiss, Morgan and Scarlet" hotch says "talk with the families of victims"


"Why is it so hot today" Morgan says wiping away sweat.

"Phoenix baby" Emily chuckles.

"How you doin Mr. Blackclothes" Morgan looks at y/n.

He decided black- somewhat tight- Tshirt, tight black jeans and versace jeans couture syrius conbat boots, topped of with watch, which was also, black.

"Shut up" he says walking ahead of them, in direction of the car.

Few minutes later all of them were in the car:
y/n in the driver's seat, reid in passenger seat, and much to their dislike-Morgan and Prentiss in the back. For some reason they always sat in the front.

But what is a car ride without Penelope Garcia?

"Hey baby girl" Morgan says on the phone.

"Your friendly neighborhood Oracle of all things knowable and unknowable at your service"

"We need the addresses of t-"

"The victims' families. Sent"

"Damn mama"

"Chocolate six pack did you know y/n was doing illegal racing in high school?"

"5 hours 8 minutes and 13 seconds" Reid says.

"I said 3 hours" Morgan says.

"Damn I said 6" Emily says.

"Hotch said 8, Rossi said 30 minutes. I said 4" Reid mentions "you said 5"

"Wait what" Garcia questions.

"mieux vaut travailler sur tes compétences ma chère" y/n answers, taking a turn.

"I still can't believe you raced" Emily says "illegally too. I can't imagine you doing that"

"Want to see me doing that?"

"what? NO"

"Don't worry Emily we are here already" Reid reassures her.

"Oh thanks god" Emily says getting out.

" This isn't over yet Prentiss, we'll meet again"

"I'll be waiting Scarlet" Prentiss returns the joke.


"Thank you for your cooperation Mrs. Welsh"
y/n says before walking out of the front door with Reid.

"The victims all lived in same neighbourhood, even the latest one" Reid points out.

"That fits into the comfort zone, Garcia is already doing a background check on everyone" y/n says looking up at him from his tablet, straight into his eyes.

Y/n never feared to make eye contact with anyone. He never got shy with something so simple.

But Reid did.

That's why he looked down with a little blush on his cheeks.

"Let's go?"

"Yeah" Spencer answers.


Morgan and Emily get into the car, only to see Spencer and y/n in front seats with sunglasses.

"Oh no"

"Oh yes" y/n answers.

"Haha no" Emily tries to open the door, but it has already been locked.

"We meet again Prentiss"


"Woah are you two ok? You look pale" Rossi says looking at them.

Emily wordlessly sits down.

Meanwhile y/n walks in followed by his confident attitude and Spencer.

"Hello dear colleagues, any updates?"

"Now I really want to know what happened" Rossi says.

"Garcia found a connection between the victims" y/n walks up to the map, looking for something "this shop" he points at the area.

Reid takes a look "it's in the comfort zone. If they were systematic customers, it'd be easy to tell their schedule"

"I will go check it out" hotch says "Morgan" and Morgan follows.

Now we wait


"The shop owner has an alibi, his family proved it" hotch says.

"We still don't have a profile" Morgan sighs

"We are looking at this unsub like one. We have to remember there are two minds in this" y/n reminds "even if the kid was raised by him"

"Could it be that the son only attacks? Like kidnaps and father does the rest"

"What if the father died" Reid says, his eyes on the boards.


"The kills stopped in 80s and started recently. If father died that could have been the trigger. The student continues what teacher started"

"Garcia did you hear that?"

"Searching everyone who died recently, that's connected with that 12 lucky days of the year"

"Medical field" Emily adds.

"Actual butchers too"


Jet was soaring through the dark clouds of night.

Y/n takes a sip of his coffee. He rubs his sore abs. This was a tiring day.

"How's your face"

He turns around to see who it was, although he recognised the voice.

"It's fine"

The person sits in seat infront of him.

"I always complained how we've never ran a mile in field after the physical tests" Spencer takes sip from his cup. "I never imagined there would be situation where any of us would run 5 miles. Well I did know it would happen but just didn't imagine, thats different-'

Y/n chuckles "you are adorable" he takes a sip of his coffee, while Spencer chokes on his.


"Shh other's are asleep" y/n smiles at him innocently.

Silence fell.

"This was a weird case. I always wonder what they think. Not what they write in books" y/n leans back in his seat.

Spencer nods looking down at his drink.

Another silence fell.

"Chess?" Y/n asks to which Spencer answers with an excited smile.

At least I got a good workout session in

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