50 years ago 1

38 0 0

She ran. That's all she could do. Run, run as fast as she can and never look back. Never in her life did she think she would be running for this reason. People looked at her with a confused expression when they saw her in her corpse bride costume but then it was Halloween so maybe they just start to think she was going to a party. The sky was cloudy, no stars even the moonlight was being hidden by the ghosts of the night sky didnt help it started to get foggy which the street lights didn't help. Everyone started to head home or get into a shop and she kept running. Soon her side started to hurt even though she was her schools top cross country and marathon runner along with her friend Emily. This was hard though but she kept running. She didn't even care that the white rose in her hair was falling out all she wanted to do was keep running as fast as she could, no caring that the white dress was getting dirty which can she add was her mother's wedding dress along with the shoes. Even an ice wind blow making her shiver at its touch. Right then she wanted to stop and go into a nice warm building or even home maybe sit round a fire with hot chocolate, her cat sleeping on her lap and her dog at her feet. No she knew she had to keep going. Soon she saw the deem figure of her school through the fog not with any help of the street lamps that flickered. Quickly she headed towards a place she thought was safe... never knowing what was going to happen.

A girl giggled as she jogged down the hall way as her partner ran after her laughing. They just played a prank on the most popular boy in the school and now was getting away. He yelled down the for them to come back but they went into the corridor that they agreed to call the dark forest. There was fake cobwebs, fake rotting trees with no leaves, even graves with mist. It was cool probably the best Halloween they have done yet. He finally court up and pushed one of the girls into the wall with a smirk on his face as the other keeper stepping back away from him.

"Now Jess did you think you would get away with that?" He asked. The girl Jess looked at the boy who was dressed as vampire like her.

"Yes, come on Jamie it's Halloween calm down" she laughed.

"Yeah I guess but now I will have to drink you blood because I'm Dracula as your just a weak vampire" he done a fake evil laugh which got replaced with a piecing screen from the other girl.

"Jeez Masie scream why the hell did you scr.." as he turned whilst speaking he saw why she screamed which made him stop. There laying on the floor was a girl he knew so well in a corpse bride costume but to the horror her face was pale, the colour from her eyes were gone and looking straight at him but that wasn't all all around was blood her blood that came from the open cut across her neck. On the floor was the white rose he saw in her hair had blood dripping down it whilst resting on a knife that floated in her blood. A teacher with more students came running in and saw the reason for the scream.

"Someone call the police now!" The teacher yelled at them. All Jamie called do was look at the girl who was his little sister. Lana.

There was go guys the first bit of my story. I haven't put a description yet because I'm not sure how to explain this story apart from a new girl starts a new school but what happens when she speaks to a girl that everyone doesn't talk to, when she sits under a tree at lunch and finds out that schools past.
Oh yeah this book will be jumping back and forth between time so 50 years ago 1 so on are like this the past and chapter 1 so on this in the present.
Hope you guys enjoy this book

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