chapter 1

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The morning Sun shined into the room and into Hannah's closed up.

"Stupid Sun" she mumbled to herself and got about of her warm bed. The cold air hit her bear legs so she sprinted to the bathroom to get into the show because she knew once she got back into that bed she wouldn't get out. Today was Hannah's first day at her new school since her family moved. Lucky unlike her old school she didn't have to wear uniform it almost sounded like America than England since most schools have to wear uniform to show off their school but Hannah hated her old school, the only thing that made her mad about moving was leaving her friends still her mother just said you would make new friends at this one. When Hannah was done with the shower she dried her hair, put it into a ponytail then got changed which was some black trousers, red top, socks and her trainers which she didn't put on till she left her room but before she done her make up. As she got ready she had put music on her phone in including songs from the hobbet. When she got down stairs she was met with her older sister and boyfriend who she never understood why he moved with them since he doesn't live here but she couldn't care as long as they stay out of her way and out of her things they will live. Shortly after her dad came down stairs and made a cup of tea for himself, Hannah already had one and was reading the leaflet her new school sent her telling her the rules such as no bullying or one got her attention was don't mess with the willow tree. The principal was called Mr Cater and she would be meeting him at the entrance along with her dad so he can get to know them. It's going to be boring and she knew it. Once her dad was finished they went to his car then set of to Hannah's new school.

There were hundreds of pupils outside chatting away but stopped to look at Hannah. She notice a man looking in his late thirties as well he looked tired because he has bags under his eyes however he didn't let it show with dressing neatly in a suit and standing tall. He wasn't the only one who court hannahs attention. In the far corner was a girl looking her way. She had to admit just from here she looked nice with very light blonde hair and wearing jeans and top the rest she couldn't see. Some reason she wanted to wave but when she went to the girl quickly turned away as they got to the head.

"Welcome you must be Hannah our new student" he smiled at her

"Yes sir"

" please come this way to my office" Mr Cater turned on his heels and headed inside. Much to Hannah's amazement inside didn't hardly look like a school apart from the lockers because by the look of things it was posh looking: both floor and walls were made of marble, doors made out of oka wood with hold handles. It was amazing really.

"This school was first made for higher class people and was privert but got opened to everyone that's why it's designed like this, our students follow every rule and work hard to get the best grades.

"Come on not every student follows the rules right mostly every school has rule breakers" her dad laughed at Mr Cater

"Excuse but these students try and follow the rules or they will get punished but you don't have to worry about that unless you break the rules" all of a sudden his voice goes dark and keep as the smile on his face fades "trust me you don't want to be punished" Hannah looked up at her dad who looked confused at what he just said.

"What do you mea"

"All right Hannah this is your timetable and a map around the school so if you like you can go to class which has already started whislt i talk to your parent in there" he pointed towards a door that had his name on it whilst giving her everything.

Soon Hannah found herself lost in a empty corridor. She was trying to find her maths room with Mr Hill but got lost even tired to use a map. Suddenly she collided with a hard chest which made her fall onto the ground.

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