chapter 3

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Once again the wind blow stronger which made the paper work go scattering across the floor. The librarian groaned and got up to pick them back up bit not noticing the photo that from has fallen on the floor. Well that was  till someone stood on the glass the broken fame.

"Oh no " the lady looked sad at the photo, it was of two girls and one boy all dressed smartly . The photo had brought  many memories even if some where not happy that including that every night when their parents got a call along with the boy looking like he had seen a ghost. She looked up to see who was standing there only to find her. The person everyone fears, but not like they where the ones who were murdered by who knows since the police never found. The girl looked sad when she saw the photo.
"Do I make trouble for you?" Her voice was just as the lady remembered it.
"No it's fine, they don't know you like we do" the woman smiled at her before picking up the photo, even she couldn't help but to frown.
"But even the teachers give you trouble"
"Does it make you angry because we know that isn't your type of person"
"It does and sad, plus we know that's untrue you saw my attitude that night, I shouted at her, that was way before I was killed"
"That was the only time you ever shouted anyway she wasn't a nice person at the start, all you was doing was putting your foot down, you was the lady of the house not her well not by blood"
"The new student"
"What about her?" The woman had only ever heard of the name never met her in person.
"She's seems so... I don't know." Now the girl or ghost depends on how you see her was looking outside into the ranging storm.
"She's a lot like you" the woman smiled at that. She had heard about how Hannah sat at the tree and was about to read, that she was quite smart, it just reminded her about the when the girl in front of her was alive.
"I guess, I'm worried" this got her attention.
"Why? The students know if they start bullying they will feel her pain because of you"
"That's not it, it just I have a feeling something bad is going to happen and as people know all I want to do is keep the students safe, yes I can't control my actions at time" 

"I know but they don't "They both shut their eyes but when the woman opened them again she wasn't there. Over time she got used to the big hole in her heart because of that girl. All she can remember is her laugh and smile when she played outside whatever the weather, much to her dismay the tears that rolled down her cheek when she was sad however the lady could never tell her since every time she did cry she thought no one could see her and waited for the bloody red eyes to disappear before showing her face again to the family just so she could seem strong when the others wasn't but apart from all them memories the lady could remember one clearer than everyone else because everyone else was so upset to get the news that she was murdered that halloween night. A white rose had fallen into blood. Some times she wished it never happened but then what would the world be like now, would have the girl been forced to marry that guy or would have her farther stepped in, finally seeing it was hurting his own daughter, would the family have kept on growing not just with the one child out all the three siblings had that saved this school from being knocked down. All the questions of what if Lana never died. Would the school be the same as is it now, most of the children being well behaved because of her but if she wasn't here. All the people who could be still alive not just the people who she had killed but the people who had died by being effected by her death, that's the problem everyone takes it as it is but never really look at the people around them to see how they are doing on the other hand like the girl she saved the other day from her brother in a couple of years time maybe she would have been killed by him or his girlfriend maybe not on purpose but still, she has saved people but she never thinks about that, not many people do they always see the bad never the good. Hopefully maybe someone will stand up and say words to the world, someone like Hannah, she's a lot like her as the girl just said in more ways than one, yes Hannah has one sister and she had one sister and a brother. 49 years has past from that night and soon it will be a whole 50 years. 

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