50 year ago 2

8 0 0

Week before the murder...

A woman shouted her name and all she could do was grone. She hated this family, all they cared about was money never their family, her mother always told her stuff about being a true lady as her farther talked about money but every time she would not care. The only time she got away from them was when she had school however deep inside she knew at the weekend she would have to face them again. Getting up to tie her long blond hair up into a simple pony tail just to keep it out of her face, she had asked for it to be cut short but of course her mother kept saying no then went back to the speech about being a lady. Once again she would stop listening and walk away, only if it was always that easy. There was a soft knock at the door so she said come in knowing who it was since there was only one person in this family she didn't mind because they were just a sweet little girl who was her baby sister.

"Lana mother asked me to give you this, she said you have to join her at this um, can't remember the word as you are the main next lady of the house where as Jamie is the main lord" her little sister spoke. Lana had to admit what her sister was wearing was cute and she wished she would have been aloud to wear something like the pink with black poker does on and a lady bird with her hair in pink tails instead of this smart looking dresses. They had different hair colours eyes, Lana had blond hair with sea blue eyes that came from her mother according to her farther because the lady who is their mother is more of a step whereas she had dark brown hair but when the light hit it it was light brown with hazel eyes, it was the same with her brother.

"Thank you May just leave it on my bed like the maid does" May nodded and then left but before Lana had to shout the three words she would never say to anyone else in the family, not even her dad "I love you". When she was gone Lana opened a small box that sat on her dresser, the only thing she has left of a her mother before she disappeared; music box. Her step mother hates it, she says it's because the music is bad a loud as the box is ugly but deep inside Lana knew she hated it because it was her mother's but luckily this was the only thing her farther had disagreed with his new wife on since he could see on his own daughters face how much she loved that box. She just stood there with her eyes shutting thinking how much her life has changed before she same into their lives. Her farther was never addicted to money, they would go out, play in the meadows near the lake that was beautiful in the summer with the glittering water and have a picnic; at night they would tell each other stories in front of the fire, till the woman that gave them life left with no goodbye or reason then their grandmother came back from London with that woman and said they will marry next week, everything stopped, at least she had the music box and was still aloud to play the piano since in the womans eyes it means she can entertain her future husband and any other guess they might have. She was looking at the red dress that was on her velvet silk sheets so she did the only thing she could and was put it on, her hair she put half up half down with a red ribbon.

When she got down stairs everyone was waiting, her farther smiled at her and she gave the best smile she could then there was the frown when he looked at his wife.

"You're late, a lady should never be late" her voice was cold just like the needles in her heart.

"Yeah yeah yeah 'but a lady needs to look presentable so she doesn't put the family to shame' right?" Lana quoted one of the many things her step mother had said.

"A lady does not back chat"

"A lady should not get angry" Lana could hear her brother who was in a suit try and hold back then laugh from her come back.

"Why you little... I'll just let your future husband teach you a lesson who you are going to be meeting today"

"Wait what?" Lana shouted along with her brother even her sister who was at the top of the stairs.

"Do not shout at me me, we have found a match for you, he is 18 and is a Lord son" she sounded so proud it made Lana want to throw up

"18 he's older than Jamie! And this isn't Victorian times hardly anyone has a arrange marriage unless they are leaving in the stupid past like you!" Angry wasn't word to describe Lana's feelings right then

"ENOUGH!"it was her farther who raised his voice then "Lana you know you have a family reputation on your shoulders just like your brother, I do no I repeat I do not expect to hear any back chat from you for the rest of the night understand?" Lana stayed quite too shocked to answer, never has he shouted at her "I asked do you understand?" He looked between both children

"Yes sir" both her and Jamie looked at the ground

"Right now let's go" with that they left. Outside was a horse and carriage,the horse she knew since it was a foal and acts like hers, she's even ride it before never fell off luckily for her but she loved the white with a little black tear drop on its head. The horse looked at her and moved to face her but got stopped still she couldn't help but to smile at it. A butler opened the door and they hopped in leaving her little sister standing at the door with one of the maids.

When they got to a massive house that could be called a castle. That's when she notice who she was 'meant to get married to' the most biggest jerk in the school that used his status to his advantage. Lana could never stand him so when he went to speak to her she just walked away or told him to go away. Luckily he was leaving this year so she hoped she would never have to see him again but now thanks to this woman she has to see him for the rest of her life. They got out and headed to the front door where the head butler answered and took them into a huge ball room.

"My love has arrived" just them words and seeing the 5ft 7 boy never will be a man with black hair and green eyes Lana knew her life and including this night was going to be hell.

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