Chapter 1: You

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I was in the middle of a riot, me and a couple of my friends were invited to. It was getting intense but we heard a siren blow faintly from behind us.

wee woo wee woo

"ITS THE POLICE! EVERYBODY SCRAM!" I heard one of my allies shout, everyone ran as fast as they could, including me. Unfortunately, I tripped on a pebble and hurt my knee.

I cursed

"There's one injured here sir" I could hear a man speak, damn the cops got here fast

They carried me to the police car with the other kids.

Not long after, we arrived at the police station. I was scolded for participating at the riot and another one for being out during curfew hours, what luck I have.

They were gonna let me go for now but someone suddenly spoke up.

"I've been seeing a bunch of trash around the streets, why don't you give him a 1 month community service punishment? Surely you can't let him go like that" She said while sipping from a mug. NO! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!

"That's a great idea Captain Kanna, okay give this kid the punishment, you start tomorrow" the police said and gave me a ride home.


I arrived home and headed straight to my room.


Now I have to do more work!




I woke up with the sun shining on my face, guess I fell asleep. It was 9:30 AM on a Sunday, and I had to do my punishment ( -__-)

I went downstairs, and yet another day with my mom not in sight. It's been like this for a couple months now, keep going like this and I might end up forgetting your face!

I ate up the food on the table, took my water bottle and I was off, there was still a few hours left before I do my service so I'll just go to th-



I flinched when a person popped out. I checked to see who it was and sure enough it was Zie, talking through the gates. She's been saying that greeting ever since we were little.

"Hello (●__●)" I replied

We were left with an awkward silence so I just said goodbye and left. . .

Where was I going to go again? Oh yes the-



I arrived quick and the place was quiet, it's usually buzzing with loud fighting kids.

I sat on a chair and began my epic gaming moment. . .

As time was passing by, more and more people started coming in, what time even is it? Its not even 1 PM yet. I checked my watch and was 11 AM, I didn't want to spend all my money here so I left after finishing my time.

I was getting kinda hungry so I ate at a nearby karinderya.

The time was 12:50 PM so I headed to the area I was gonna clean, AND BOI let me tell ya it was mmmmm so clean~. /s

There was trash upon trash, why aren't the Barangay officials themselves ask the people to clean this shi-

"Oh look the boy is here, have fun cleaning that" I looked behind me to see who it was, Captain Kanna ಠ︵ಠ

I gave her an angry look, but actually I was gonna cry it was so many, it looked like a dump site.

"Now now, don't give me that look, you're lucky it's not that much boy, the other folks who received this punishment has seen way worse, good luck on this though ʘ‿ʘ" she said and went off

I couldn't complain since my punishment will most likely be worse.

I began putting the larger bulks of trash in the trash back and swept off the smaller bits with the broom provided by the Barangay.

Not even 10 minutes in in I was getting tired. I sat on the sidewalk and rank the bottle I got from home, the heat was killing me so good water killed it off.

I saw a bunch of tanods wandering around so I immediately went back to cleaning I was not satisfied with the water since it was a really hot day.

Amidst all the middle aged tanods I saw one looking much younger, he looks pretty. The way his brown eyes shine under the sun, everything feels like it's happening in slow motion-




AY HALA (ㆁωㆁ)?!

I shook off my thoughts and just went back to cleaning, feels like I lost the feeling of heat from the chills I got from him.

What is happening (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

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