You All Over Me

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In which Taylor finally has some peace of mind but can still feel James' presence wherever she goes. Here, she decides to do something drastic.


Part 12 of the Enchanted Series loosely based on some aspects of Taylor's You All Over Me song.

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Enchanted Series

Part 12: You All Over Me

"Open bar or BYOB?" inquires Inez Smith, tapping her Bic pen on her clipboard's rim. Her face is serious and firm, almost as if she's some sort of world-renowned even planner not to be trifled with. After all, she did manage to get the entire football team, their counterparts and some of the younger cheerleaders to gather around a single table at best coffee shop in town.

"My uncle Burt has some customers who sell those big tins with the booze inside," volunteers Michael Hudson.

"You mean a keg, Dudson" mutters Archie Rutherford, who stands behind Michael and Louis Colton's seated forms.

"Oh right, that," corrects the quarterback quickly, scratching his head. The brunette has half a mind to call him out on his gorilla type actions when Louis begins to speak.

"Think he'd be willing to score us some?" Louis Colton pipes in, running his fingers through his Mohawk. A signature mannerism he could never quite shake off.

"I can ask?"

"I'll bring some shit, too. It's the ultimate advantage to having a face like mine," boasts Louis, leaning back on his chair as he scratches his fingers along his dark jeans.

"You mean looking like a forty-year-old, washed up American rockstar?" Inez asks rhetorically, voice laced with venom. Cocking her head to the side, she smirks an even taunting smirk, earning her an eyeroll from her former boyfriend.

"Do you want this party to have booze or not?" snaps Louis. Immediately, Inez shuts her lips, turning back to her clipboard. In any other get together, she would have ripped his favorite appendage off with her sharp, colorful insults. But considering the circumstances, she opts to keep her lips shut. If only for her best friend's sake. That being Taylor Alison Swift.

Blinking, Inez can't help but have her mind wander. In three months, she's never seen the girl more broken. Just when she thought romantic confusion, cowardice and underlying affections were enough to break her, she gets dealt a brand-new set of inconvenient cards. That being her freedom from that walking piece of trash, James, who they've learned to never mention around her, and the drama with her and James that kept boiling up to this point.

The newly appointed head cheerleader glances down at her clipboard. In grave detail is every single thing to be done, has been done and is in consideration for Taylor's surprise, nineteenth birthday. Normally, this would be some large event with the fallen blonde included. They would drive off to the next couple of cities and purchase the cutest, most affordable dresses from Club Monaco, buy every single fashion magazine of that month and place post-it notes of everything Taylor should receive and go through Brittany's dance mix.

But since current events, Inez opts not to even mention it to her. If anything, she would probably call the entire thing off. Or even worse; bury her nose in another one of those books of hers. It surprises the raven-haired girl just how many books she had gone through in three and a half months. Then again, it is a healthier release than bullying, impromptu meltdowns in bathrooms and dating the teenage creature from Frankenstein.

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