- Chapter Six -

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Jessica was woken up by the sound of a train speeding past close by. Her puffy eyes took a minute or so to adjust to the ray of sunlight that was coming through the small dirty window. When she tried to move her body, sore aching muscles screamed in protest.

Even just woken from slumber she was tired and her stomach growled.

Tired, because fear kept her awake; fear of the thought of those animals just on the other side of the steel door.

Hungry, because she had not eaten since the day of Ashley's party and that was almost two and a half days ago.

The steel door groaned and moaned in protest and at the sound Jess' body started to ten and she tried to sink deeper into the wall, but to no avail. Jess looked away and brought her tied-up hands to shield her face from the captor(s).

"Here is some bread and water for you." The voice sounded familiar to Jess; somewhat young and innocent. It had to be the young man, the police officer, she thought and thought correctly. Jess did not dare to look up, too afraid that the Butcher was with him, too afraid of what might happen if she did indeed look up. Maybe another beating.

"I'm not going to hurt you, so just take the fucking food before he changes his mind, please." Jack stepped towards her and placed the food and water at her bare, dirty feet and stepped away giving her space to eat and took a seat on the ground opposite her. Jess picked up the slice of bread as best she could with her bare hands and started to eat. Dry hard bread meeting a dry mouth.

"Why am I here? What do you people want with me?" She swallowed the bread down with the water. Slurped up the last droplets.

"It's not you who we want," He paused, reached over and took the empty plate and glass, sat it down next to him. "But in fact, a woman who betrayed my father four of five years ago."

"That still doesn't answer my question?"

"The thing is-"

"Enough of the chit-chat and get up." James walked into the room and threw a phone at his son. He yanked Jess up by the hair to her feet, pulling a gun up to her side.

"Start rolling Jack."

"Dear Mr. Brown. James here. If you don't give me the WITSEC file on Sophie Newman better known as Hannah Scott," He shoved Jess closer to the camera. "The last thing cupcake overhear will see is the barrel of my gun. But I am a good man so I'll be lenient and give you forty-eight hours. If I don't have that fucking file by then," James looked over to her, "Cupcake hears will die at the cost of you. So, let's make a trade, the girl for the file. Easy-peasy."


James' words echoed in the Browns house. Mrs. Brown sobbed uncontrollably in Mr. Brown's arms and her make-up smeared all over her cheeks and onto his shirt. She shook with utmost fear and sadness, while her husband boiled over with anger and frustration.

Buckley sat opposite the couple with the phone in hand, he too, was getting frustrated and slightly irritated with the Butcher. He thought;

He was always two steps ahead,


So close but yet as far.

"Can you send the video to my office so that tech can analyze it?" Buckley said to his friend, making sure that the calmness in his voice overpowered the frustration. He was not frustrated with the case but with himself. He made a promise to his wife to do everything in his power to get the girl home safely, but he was starting to feel like he was losing the game.

He lost it with his wife to cancer. Lost it with his son to becoming a workaholic therefore he had to send him away to a family in Australia, 4 months after his wife passed, because he didn't know how it raise a child alone and go through losing a life partner at the same time.

"Ethan," Brown called over to his lost-in-thought friend.

And now he is going to lose his career and passion to... a butcher.

"Ethan," Brown tried again but the calling fell on deaf ears.

As well as losing it with a lifelong friend-


Buckley snapped out of his trance and avoided looking his friend in the eyes knowing his eyes would betray him in showing how vulnerable he was right at that moment. So instead of utter humiliation and showing weakness Buckley cleared his throat, stood up and gave the phone back to its rightful owner.

"Luke, can you send the WITSEC file over to my office?" It was more of a demand than a request on Buckley's side.

"Yes. Of course, I will get it done first thing tomorrow morning." Mr. Brown stood up to see his visibly bothered friend out.

Running away, that's what Buckley thought of as he got into his car.

How would you miss me?


Sophia Newman

WITSEC name: Hannah Scott

Age: 48

Gender: Female

Nationality: Mexican

Marriage status: Non

Children: Non

Job description: Caretaker

"Before WITSEC, Sophie worked at an old age home, Sweet Blossom. The old age home was brutally attacked. Seniors and staff. Now one made it or so they thought. Sophie worked the shift that The Butcher, later known as James Roberts, attacked." Rex, the tech said to Buckley about her findings, aka the WITSEC file sent over by Brown's office.

"But how does James know about her being placed in WITSEC?" Davis asked next to Buckley.

"My darling Davis, did I say I was finished?" Rex cocked an eyebrow.

"My darling Rex, do accept my deepest apologies and continue," Davis said throwing his right hand over his heart, bowing his head.

"Sir, did you know that the Browns had another daughter?" Rex looked over to her superior.

"Yes, I did. But that is a long story. Amelia was a drug addict. They gave her an ultimatum; rehab or cut all ties with the family and never make contact ever again from both sides. She chose the latter and was never heard and spoken of again. To say her name was like poison to the ears in their home, it was forbidden." Buckley informed them, wondering what had happened to the girl. Where was she right now? What did she look like? Was she healthy?

"Well... She's still an addict and guess whose name shows up on James' prisoner visiting logs every Wednesday? Hers." Rex said, proud of her findings. Buckley looked taken aback by this.

"Revenge. That's why she did it. It was for revenge... to get back at them for throwing her out." Davis said astonished at the faked of such hatred for another human being.

"Jealousy, I say," Rex mumbled.

"Rex stop mumbling and get me everything there is to know about Amelia since she left home. And get a security detail outside of Sophie's house. And notify the Marshals there's been a leek of names." Rex nodded, typing away.

"Davis, any news on the BOLO and the video?" Buckley gestured for him to walk with him.

"No sir. Nothing on the BOLO. Rex said the video was untraceable and it was Jack holding the phone guessing by the height."

"You did well today." Buckley nodded sincerely. The lieutenant acknowledges that Buckley calls him by his last name instead of 'lieutenant'. Progress. Yes, progress.

Authors note:

Yes, progress. Thank you for reading Chapter 6. Let me know what you think so far.💬And remember to vote.

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