3: Suspicious??

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Author's POV

It has been 3 days the Strawhat pirates staying in the 2 Yatos house.

Nami the Strawhat navigator, zoro the Swordsman, Usopp the sniper wasn't really enjoying the stay while Luffy and the others were okay.

"I don't understand." Nami said while looking out the window staring at (Y/n) who was teaching Luffy how to cook wood.

"Is something wrong navigator san?" Robin asked while walking to nami.

"Isn't it weird?" Nami asked.

".. are you worried that (Y/n) might be working for Marines and he is letting us stay just to let the marines come and get us." Robin asked.

Nami looked at robin surprised that she knew what she was thinking.

Robin smiled.

"It's not only her who thinks that." Nami turned around and saw zoro and usopp walking in the room.

"That (Y/n) guy is very suspicious I mean look at him he is always smiling.
Have you seen him kill that huge monster yesterday?"

Flash back

Usopp's POV

I was following (Y/n) since he knows the forest very well and I thought I could find the way out.

But while following him I heard a very scary roar right behind me I turned around and saw..

"Ahhhh!! A Monster!!"

I turned to where (y/n) was just a few seconds ago but he wasn't there.

"Ahh I have no one to save me!!"

I threw rocks at it but it was a bad idea I ended up making it mad.

The monster was going to kill me.

Then suddenly out of no where (y/n) appeared and kicked the monster.

He walked to the monster he kicked and ripped its head off with just his hands.
And the most scariest thing was... he was smiling.


Back to present

Nami's POV

"Okay now that's just creepy."
"The reason we can't go out right now is because luffy doesn't want to go." Zoro said.

"Which means all we have to do is tell luffy it's time to go... now!" Usopp said.


Your POV

I was outside the house sitting on a chair listening to the Strawhat pirates talk to luffy about being us suspicious.

"What are you doing?" Kagura asked while walking to me.

"Did you water the plants?" I asked.


"Do they really think we won't hear anything." Kagura asked while throwing her gloves at me.

"We are outside and they don't know we are from the yato clan." I said while catching the gloves and threw them back at her.

"Ow that hurt! Wait so how come luffy calls us rabbits? And *sigh* it's your fault they are like that." She said while touching her red forehead because of the gloves I threw at her.

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