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I was home alone and bored out of my mind. Things seemed stable with the investigation and I had to wait for Jake to contact me. I didn't want to spend the day waiting for his message... I wanted to get all this off my mind, even if just for one day. I decided to go shopping, I needed a nice jacket for the winter that was approaching and it seemed like the perfect time to have some sort of normal day.

I went to the closest mall and entered a few shops, looking at every item, touching and trying every warm jacket I found. I felt strange, like I wasn't supposed to be there, while Hannah and Richy were missing I was shopping... I tried to shake those thoughts out of my head, in that moment there was nothing I could do.

Jake: Bea, I found something regarding Ted Madruga.
We should discuss this.

A couple of hours go by and I still hadn't find anything I liked. I went to one last shop and a specific item caught my atention, I had to think of Jake while I saw it... There I was again, stuck in those same thoughts I tried so hard to suppress. Might as well buy it and go home, what a wasted day, I said to myself.

I arrived at home and displayed what I had bought on the counter, it was so beautiful. I was reminded that I hadn't check my phone at all, so I reached for it and, as always, my heart skipped a beat as I saw a notification from Jake.

Bea: Jake, just saw your message.

Jake: Don't worry, I've came to the conclusion that what I found was not relevant at all.
Jake: Ted was incarcerated for drug possession but I don't think that is relevant to our case.

Bea: Oh ok, sorry I didn't help you.

Jake: We can still talk :)

Bea: I would like too 😊

Jake: So what were you doing?

Bea: I went shopping, needed to buy some clothes.
Bea: And you?

Jake: Investigating ;)
Jake: Found anything you liked?

Bea: Not much, just bought a set of.. clothes.

Jake: I'm sure you look wonderful in them :)

Bea: Jake...😳

Jake: Sorry... I did not mean to cross any line.

Bea: It's not that
Bea: You realize that you don't know what I bought, right?

Jake: Doesn't matter, I think you would look good in anything Bea.

Bea: Jake...

Jake is now offline

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Jake is now offline

Great, I shouldn't have done that... I could've just ignore what he said, now I made it weird! Argh! I yell in frustration while throwing my phone to the kitchen table.

In reality Jake went offline because he instinctively closed his laptop, shutting down the connection.

I was speachless for about 5 minutes trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
What did I just say?! I didn't mean it that way! Well...
But why would she even send me that?! What does she want? Jake spoke to himself not realizing that he was as red as a tomato.

Wait... why did she buy that? The thoughts of another man touching Bea flooded Jake's mind making him angry and hopeless. She can't... I can't bare it. But why would she send me this, she knows I like her, doesn't she? Is she trying to mess with me? Jake buried his head in his arms and stayed there for a while.

After calming down, he remembered that he never replied and just went offline.

Jake opened his laptop.

Jake: Sorry, I did not meant to go offline like that.
Jake: I... I was just not expecting that.

Bea: I shouldn't have sent that, I don't know what I was thinking

Jake: However, I stand by what I said.
Jake: Just so you know ;)

Bea: Oh...
Bea: Thanks 😳

Jake: Bea... Do you have a date?

Bea: What? No! What are you insinuating?!
Bea: Actually, don't answer that 😡

Jake: I just thought... Nevermind.
Jake: You don't need to justify yourself to me.

Bea: Jake...
Bea: I thought about you when I saw this and I bought it, ok?! I don't know why

Bea: Am I making you uncomfortable? Say something, please
Bea: Jake, you can tell me anything, you know I like you
Bea: I've told you before...

Jake: You're not making me uncomfortable. I'm happy that you though of me.
Jake: For a moment I imagined that to be for someone else and I couldn't stand it...
Jake: I like you too, Bea. More than you can imagine :)

Bea: I love it when you're jealous 🤭 🥰

Jake: So you like to provoque me? :P

Bea: Absolutely I do... It's somewhat exciting

Jake: You know that two can play that game, right?

Bea: Oh really? Do tell me...

Jake: I wish I could take that off you right now.

Bea: You could

Jake: I...
Jake: I have to go now.

Jake is offline

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