¤Season 1 Episode 1: A memeber and their new pal¤

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( In this chapter each Crystalix Squad are going make new friends with some of the memebers in Warvengers. And this is for each of their P.O.V. Alright now enjoy)

Rayman's P.O.V
☆Today was another morning in the Glade of Dreams. Ever since we arrived at the Warvengers, everyone must have heard about us and they all looked at us like we are the odd ones. I looked at the paper that Joshua the Mii had gave to me since I first met him.☆

Me: I think I should talk with him today?

☆Sighing, there was nothing to do. Globox was taking care of his children with his wife, Barbara and her siblings are practicing their axe throwing skills and Betilla hadn't message me something important, especially Ly.☆

☆I wanted to ask Grand Minimus and Goth Teensy, but they are busy with their own business. Plus Murphy has not told me anything that was about to happen. My only choice was Mii, maybe I can show him around.☆

☆I quickly got up, while holding the note and dialed Mii. I called and told him that we should hang out today. Luckily his dad said he has his freetime so that was good.☆

( Few minutes later )
☆I thought Mii wouldn't be here, until I heard a voice. I turn and saw Mii.☆

Me: Hey you made it!

Mii: Yep thanks for calling me. (Looks around) So this is where you live? It looks magical?

Me: Yep I thanked Bianca for making the portal for me, ever since I lived here with all my life, I know everything here. Yet it was almost destroyed by Ales Mansay?

Mii: You say like he is the villain.

Me: Yep, my real villain, well now he's gone. Ever since we met him, he was all about getting lums.

Mii: Lums?

Me: The light yellow fairies that trust us. Anyways, Ales tricked us and we needed to stop him. After a year he came back but this time with four more look alike of him. And boy he decided to have the guts to steal my friends?

Mii: Yikes that must be cruel. But who were captured by Ales Mansay?

Me: Well I should explain and tell you most about them. So first there is Globox, he is my friend and basically a blue blob man, he has children to take of and basically there are like over 200 of his kids and he is married to his wife. Speaking of his wife, Uglette, she's married to Globox and she is pink so she cares for my friend really well. Alright so next there is Barbara and Brandon, they have their sister Elysia. Both of them are barbarians and they use axes as weapons. And now there's Grand Minimus and Goth Teensy. So about Grand Minimus, well basically he is like the good king of all Teensies and then about Goth Teensy, well nothing much but a Teensy in black and he gets along with Minimus.

Mii: Sheesh that must be a lot of information about them. So anyways, I should have told you sooner but you see I'm kinda a married man. I have a wife named HoneyQueen. And I wondered if you are any interest in a lady?

Me: Well actually I kinda have a interest in Raymesis, he is my only person I love.

Mii: Wait a minute, you are in love with a guy?

Me: Ehehehe, yes. But that's my point exactly as he was enemy, but after dealing with Mr Dark, we both had a connection out of no where.

Mii: Well that makes sense.

Me: So wanna go get a tour here? I can show you the whole place.

Mii: Sure there is no need to rush since I have 4 hours to spend some time so let's go.

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