Online School

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I'm thinking about switching to Virtual school. School just stresses me out too much. If I can't go to school cause I can't move, then I get stressed cause I'm not at school which makes the flair worse. If I am at school, I'm stressed out cause I don't know what's going on.

I told my friends that I might switch and they hated that idea. They wouldn't let me go to the counselors office to talk to her about it, and when I tried to email her they accidentally (I think accidentally at least) broke my phone. But because it's considered medical equipment for me my parents just went and bought me a new one. Anyways, I don't know what to do.

Also my teachers keep telling me to put my phone away during class. But in my 504 (specialized medical plan) it says I'm allowed to have my phone at all times just in case I go paralyzed so I can call my parents, and I can use it to document symptoms. I was trying to tell my mom that I was having a symptom and the person who literally made my 504 told me to put my phone in my locker. Of course I didn't because it says in my 504 that I'm allowed to have it and I was having a symptom, but she literally told me that having my phone wasn't in my 504. My dad sent her a very... Let's just say irritated email. He's a lawyer and signed it with his title any everything. He said that if the harassment because of my phone continues he's gonna sue the school.

Anyways, there's some drama and issues I have rn. If you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to comment them :)

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