Chapter 3

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The library is quiet. like all libraries should be, or supposed to be anyway. We have the old blind lady who shhh's people whenever they breath to loudly. but most importantly we have books. lots and lots of books.

I love books, incase you don't pick up on the subtle hints I drop every now and then. Anyways so I love books and math and sleep that sums ( a/n : sums maths get it?? Sorry bad joke ...) up my life in a nutshell. a nutty nutty nut shell. What was I on about again ... I can't remember. oh yeh the library, Jess and Molly aren't here but I find a fellow nerdy friend on one of the tables. his name is Tom, Tom Jackson. imagine the geekiest guy with square glasses and messy brown hair and well your thinking about Tom. but he's sweet in his nerdy ways, and we are friends I suppose. anyway sitting next to him is my best option.

"Heya you mind if I sit here?" He looks up to see who has interfered with his intense studying, I have to bite down on my lip to stop myself bursting into fits of laughter at his obvious annoyance,

"Sorry izz, I got a math test next period I forgot to study."

"No worries, I could help you if you wanted though??"

"Could you please." Awh it's not like Tom to forget so I decide it's best to help him out, plus there's no-one else here for me to sit with ...

"yeh of course, but I want a seat."

"Deal." That said I pull out the worn blue chair from beside him and spend the next hour helping him understand algebra.

after ( a very long) an hour is up we part ways and I head off to art for fourth period. It surprised me how Tom didn't get algebra at all but I suppose everyone doesn't get something.

The bell rings reminding me that I actually have to get to class, oh and that Ive been standing outside the room for a while now even thought everyone else is inside.... yeh I've got to stop doing that.
My art teacher is one of those people you can't dislike, well you can cos you can dislike anyone but you can't knock his passion for the subject. he doesn't teach as such it's a 'free class of expression' and to allow us to ' release our inner thoughts'. his words not mine but it's a good class and easy to follow.

Jess is also in this class whereas Molly has French. The only class we all have is English on a Thursday, which is due to the fact that although we are nerds we get the language of maths and science ... well English doesn't make sense to any of us.

Yeh it's weird but normal is overrated and who wants to be a stuck up slutty bitch with loads of friends when you could be a weird different group of lowly nerds with no social life? Me. don't get it wrong I mean sometimes it sounds nice to be popular and let's not forget .... Zach Samuels happens to be a very popular person .... but I'm good with being a nobody. Wow that sounds sad, this is what it has come to ladies and gents... I AM PROUD TO BE A NERDY NOBODY.


Take note of Mr Tom he will be showing up again. so thoughts ?? Vote & comment please my lovelies -Lilyx

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