You Had Found Him That Day? - Sano Majiro

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You were walking next to the river, marveling at the sight of the waters shinning with the afternoon sun. Just as you reach the bridge, you see someone leaning against the railing, his head back, eyes closed. Then you notice the blood.

You immediately rush the boy's side. You make such a noise that he opens one eye, just in time to watch you take out some bandages, and alcohol.

"What happened? Do you feel alright?" You ask, concerned, as you raise his hand to inspect the wounds.

He just stares at you, but somehow, you didn't think he was really seeing you. His eyes were... his eyes didn't have any light behind them.

I know that look.

He moves his eyes over your figure, and then they set on your face again. "You're a high-schooler?"

You nod, "Yeah, a third-year." as you pour a bit of alcohol in his hand. He didn't even flinch, his expression didn't change. That was bad, what on earth had happened to him?

"You do feel your hand, right?" You ask, terror seizing you. As if in answer, he closes his hand and opens it again, and you sigh in relief.

"And you?" You ask, bandaging his hand. "You're a middle-schooler right?"

"A third-year."

"For God's sake, you're just a kid."

Those words seemed to affect him. His eyes narrow at you, his expression was of displease.

"I'm not a kid." He answers.

"You're like, 15, right? You're a kid then." You get up and move to his other side to treat the other hand, his eyes following the movement.

"No, I'm not. I'm-"

"Someone who just goes around fighting, I guess." You sigh. "Honestly, kids these days are so intense. What's wrong with acting like a kid when you have the age to?" You murmur with a slight tone of anger. "I'm going to college this year, and I still feel like a kid. Damn, I wish I was still one."

His expression was one of utter confusion. "Why?"

You make a sad smile. "Because, supposedly, kids have their lives easy! You just sleep, eat, and study so you can have good grades. That's what you are supposed to do. But I... I will move to another part of Tokyo, living on my own, making groceries on my own, taking care of the house on my own, and studying so I can be what I want to be. And I don't even know what that is, as a matter of fact."

You had no idea why you were telling him all this. You had never said it aloud, and especially not to a stranger. But the words just flew out of you, and you couldn't stop it.

Well, it's alright. It's not like I'm going to see him again.

He just stares at you, silent, and that just made things more awkward. "Who did you know that was always fighting?"

You stop, looking up at him. "Eh?"

"No one carries all this materials on their bag just because." He points out, his voice soft. You were still holding his hand. "You had someone you cared for, didn't you? Did they get injured often?"

You take quick breaths, shocked that the boy had figured it all on his own. This boy is smart.

"Yes," You sigh, remembering, as you continue your work. "He was always getting picked to fight. He didn't want to, but the other forced him, anyway." You face contorted in anger at the thoughts.

"Did he lose?"

A faint smile appears on your lips. "No. He didn't like to fight, but he was strong. Very strong. He always beat up anyone who dared him to fight, but he did get hurt in the process as well. And so I was always there, with an emergency kit to help him whenever he needed."

"Where is he now?" The boy's expression was so void of anything, your heart ached for him. That was not normal.

"He moved, four months ago." Your tone was a bit sad. "We still talk, but it's not the same. I always carry the kit, though. I guess some things are hard to let go." You smile at him. "It seems that was a good thing."

You finish tightening the bandage, and then you hold both his hands, inspecting to see if any was loose, or getting bloodied. But everything looked fine, and you make a small smile. "There you go."

You were still on your knees next to him and you make a move to get up. He didn't. You frown. Just as you were about to ask what was wrong, he talks.

"I saw my friend die today."


Two weeks had passed since that day, and you still wondered about that boy. Oh, how must he be hurt, how much suffering he must be going through. You wanted to help him but how? You didn't even knew his name.

You were getting closer to the bridge (that was part of your way home), when you see a familiar figure standing, his elbows on the railing.

You rush to him. "H-Hi." You say, suddenly out of breath for the run. Was he always this handsome?

He turns his head to you, and makes a small smile. It looks sad.

"Hi." He greets. "I just wanted to give you something, as thanks." He pushes his hand into his pocket.

"Oh, no, you don't need to give me anything. I just wanted to help."

"I know. Not many people are like that, nowadays." He takes out a card, with a handwriting on it. You take it, reading the name and number underneath it.

"If you ever find yourself in trouble in college, if someone annoys you" He says, now both hands in his pockets. And that is when you notice the gold engravings in his black jacket. Your breath fails you. "Just tell them you know Mikey, the commander of Toman. That should scare them away." He shrugs.

"And if it doesn't, just call me."

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