You Hand't Known Who He Was? - Sano Manjiro

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Yes, I'm still alive

This happens in the first timeline

"The usual, please." You order with a happy smile, as the vendor hands the chocolate muffin with a smile. He could feel the absolute glee emanating from you.

As you thank him and hand the cash, he waves his hand in dismissal. "It's already paid."

You frown slightly, curious. "How?"

The vendor looks around, and then spots who he was looking for. "There." He gestures . "That blonde man over there."

You follow his gaze, and you freeze as your eyes land on the said man. He was looking straight at you. Your heart accelerates and you feel the beat thrumming in your eyes.

What is he doing here? Anger boils inside you. You shouldn't be here, Mikey.

You start walking in the opposite direction of where he was, knowing fully well that he would come after you anyway.

Soon enough, you heart footsteps behind you and out of the corner of your eye, you see him reaching a hand to you. You dodge and stop, turning around to face him. If a look could kill, he would be long dead.

"What are you doing, Mikey?" Your tone is harsh. "I thought I said I wanted nothing to do with you."

His eyes, ever void of feeling, stared right back at you. "And I said I didn't care about that."

Your eyes narrow. "You really think I'm going to let you do as you please?"

"You have no choice, (Y/N). Not in this matter."

"Get away from me. From us."

"That child you're carrying is mine as well, (Y/N). " He says as your arms wrap protectively around your belly.

Your eyes harden. "I don't need you to remind me of that, Mikey."

His fists clench, and he takes a step forward. You stay in place, defy shining in your eyes. He had always liked those eyes.

"I will provide for you two. I have the money, I can-"

"Dirty money." You cut in, but he continues as if he didn't hear.

"-help you. Nothing will be lacking in comfort, or food or-"

"I have no interest in your money." You interrupt again, and this time he shuts up. "I can, and I will, take care of the baby. You don't need to concern yourself with this."

He was getting angry, you could tell. But you weren't afraid.

"I will be part of the baby's life, (Y/N), whether you want it or not. I have that right."

"You think I want you and your shady business curling around my daughter?! Don't even think about it!"

Mikey's posture changes, eyes widening ever so slightly. You realize too late what you had said.

"It's a girl?" He softly asks, eyes almost kind. "We're going to have a daughter?"

You grit your teeth, mad at yourself for slipping that information. "Yes." You answer reluctantly, arms still around the belly.

"She'll be born in November, a child of the Autumn." Mikey says, but he looked as if he was talking to himself. "Like my sister."

You frown. You didn't know he had a sister. But then again, there were many things you didn't know about him.

"I'll ask for full custody, you won't have any right to her. No way I'm going to let a gang leader raise my child."

"Our child."

You sigh in frustration. "Why do you want to even be present?" You finally ask the question that had been bothering for 6 months. "I thought you would want nothing to deal with a child."

"... I don't want the child to be born in... in the circumstances I was."

"But you want a gang leader to be her father?"

"You didn't sound so concern about who I was when we were going out." He snaps back, face void of any feeling.

That prickled you. "I didn't know who you were! You said you were a businessman, why would I doubt it?!" For the true was, he did lived like one - the expensive clothes, cars, possessions.

"I am."

"I'm not even going to comment on that." You cross your arms, eyeing him, before sighing, suddenly tired. "Just what kind of household do you want, Mikey? Our relationship is already as complicated as it is, without you on her life. What do you think it'll happen? That there will be love in this so-called family? You don't even love me!"

"I don't love you, (Y/N)." He admits. You don't even flinch - you had always known that. "We just had a few good nights together. Fun nights." He meets your eyes, and you knew you were both thinking back on them. "But from those nights you got pregnant, and I intend to be a part of your life."

"You can go to jail. You can get killed." Your voice was cold. "I couldn't care less about that." A lie. "My only concern is if those groups you make enemies of come after me and my child."

"They won't." His voice was dripping with menace and danger. How had you failed to see who he was? "If they do, I'll kill them all."

You didn't have problems in believing those words. "Little comfort if we get attacked."

"You won't. I'll protect both of you."

Your hands wrap around your belly once more, rubbing it. "I... I just want the child to be safe, Mikey." You say softly, fear growing inside you. "I can't imagine... If someone did something..."

You feel a hand above your own, and you look up, surprised. When he had gotten so close?

"You won't have nothing to worry about, (Y/N)." He says, voice dark. You see the head of the dragon curling from his neck. "I will protect you."

And for the first time since you had discovered who he really was, you allowed yourself to believe his words.

You were a bit hesitant, but then you wrap your arms around him, the belly a little in the way. But it was just a small hug, a small gesture. Just to let him know you believed him.

He didn't hug back. Didn't even react. But he didn't pull away.

That was enough.

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