Return to Briarwood

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"Wen, are you going to try to find a way to leave or not?" Lily asked knowing her friend. "You know me well dear Lil but at last, I haven't found a way to stay with my family in Briarwood," Tarwen said without removing her eyes from her sketchbook once. Lily found it funny when Tarwen spoke with a slight medieval canter that she may have picked up from her uncle Daggeron. "Well I have a feeling that you are going to find your reason this year," Lily said. "You're just saying that to make me feel better aren't you?" Tarwen said finally taking her eyes off the drawing. Lily knew Tarwen grew up in the faire when her parents separated to protect her and her brother with her and her father in the Faire while her mom and her brother stayed in Briarwood. Tarwin's dad disappeared a few years ago and since then she has been trying to stay with her family in Briarwood for good. Lily knew that her friend wanted to stay with her family but during her time with the Faire Lily was her go-to during her time. 

The pair found what they are good at over the years with Tarwin finding her skill in sword fighting and Lily with potions though both of them are just as skilled with medical magic. Win had taken up drawing during her downtime and during their time going between locations with the Faire. Magic has been in their families for generations and they learned how to use it in their own ways. The faire had always told everyone to not use magic outside the faire along with the usual thing of not using magic for personal gain. "If you two are done talking, we just arrived in Briarwood so Win if you have your things ready to head over to Rootcore when you're done with handing out flyers," Lily's dad, Oliver said letting both of them know that they arrived in Briarwood. "Thanks, Oliver, and I already have my stuff ready to go so I just have to double-check that it's all there and send it over there," Win said. 

"I know that this year is going to be different I know it," Lily said with a smile for her friend. "She's right about this year being different so there's hope," Oliver said before the trio walked over to the main area. Tarwen was the last one to head out behind Lily and Oliver but she stood in the doorway looking over to her bag where she had her wand which was her father's. He gave her the wand before he disappeared but Tarwin doesn't understand why he gave it to to this day. Tarwin caught up with Lily and Oliver before they learned the plan for their time in Briarwood. 

Tarwen had grabbed a stack of flyers and had it tied with newspaper twine before heading out. Having been only in Briarwood once a year which resulted in Tarwen got lost so she used her phone to head over to the Rockproum. She only heard of the place from her mom and brother when she saw them. When she arrived, Tarwen sensed familiar magic in the room which let her eye guide her to her brother behind the register. "Welcome to Rockproum how can I help you?" asked the store manager. "Nothing really but I am here to drop off some flyers for the Ren Faire that had just arrived," Tarwen said in honesty. Xander looked at the girl in front of him before recognizing her as a member of the Faire before he noticed that she had a stylized phoenix sigil on her sleeve. "I'm assuming that they're for the Renaissance Faire being in town. If I remember correctly, you are one of the swordsmen in the Faire," Xander said remembering what Tarwen's act was. "Yeah I'm one of the Faire's swordsmen but yeah just spreading the word that Faire is in town once more," Tarwen said handing the remaining stack of flyers to Xander.  With that, Win walked out knowing that she couldn't say hi to her mom or brother at that moment but knew that they were most likely happy to see her again. 

Xander looked at the stack of flyers that he had gotten from Tarwen before looking at the door and watching her leave. Cody watched the whole interaction knowing that his sister couldn't say hi to him or their mom but he knew that he was going to stay the night at Rootcore so he was going to see her then. He knew that Win wanted to stay with them but still hadn't found a way to do so though she never takes the few days for granted. He smiled in the direction of the door just happy that he saw his sister even for a moment. "I saw you looking at the faire girl that came in here," said Max noticing the subtle glances and the smile that Cody was giving at his sister a few minutes later.  Zack had been restocking and saw Tarwen knowing she didn't belong in town. Tarwen had texted Oliver to let him know that she was done and heading to Rootcore so she would see him the next day. She had sent her things ahead to Rootcore before she went to pass out the flyers. Heading towards the forest, Tarwen knew that many people wouldn't go in there but to her and the rest of her family, it's home.   

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