Seven - The Blonde, The Jock And His Ruined Car

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Seven - The Blonde, The Jock And His Ruined Car

I was waiting for Jessica next to the girl’s bathroom and I was a nervous wreck. Where is she? Was she caught? Maybe she can’t come? Maybe Rachel got to her first? That last thought made my stomach sink because I knew it was possible. I considered going inside in case a teacher noticed me, but decided against it. Jessica might not know that I'm actually inside the bathroom.

“Clare?” I turn quickly to the sound of the voice.

“Nathan? What are you doing here?” I mentally slapped myself. He’s a student here, of course he’s gonna be here. It’s just that Nathan either skips class or gets expelled so often, seeing him here and not fighting with someone is a rare occasion.

“I got into another fight,” he chuckled, as he stroked a hand through his hair acting all nonchalant. “The principal said that if I don’t step up to the school’s expectations and stuff they’re gonna make me repeat the grade...again,” he said with a sigh. “They're making me do all the exams on the last week of school, and they telling me I have to pass! That’s a load of bull! Me? Pass an exam? God when am I going to finally graduate?” he said as he plopped himself on the cold floor of the hallway next to me.

I just stood there, I know I should encourage him but that’s what I did last year and it just didn’t work. Nathan’s just too lazy to study and he doesn’t really care. But I can see why he’s so worried this time, he should be in year twelve now but instead he’s still in year ten.

“Caw CAW!! Caw CAW!!” I turn around to Jess’ imitation of a hawk. She's eagerly motioning me to her as she pokes her head out from behind a corner. She shows me the bags she's carrying and shakes them, telling me she has the stuff we need.

My eyes widened in realization, it was finally time. I quickly turned back to Nathan and just blurted everything out, desperately wanting to go to Jess. “Hey you know what to do, so turn that frown upside down! You can do it! Hit the books, they don’t hit back! OK, OK? Yeah, umm bye!” I finally finished as I shot him a quick wave and ran around the corner to where was Jess. Nathan just sat there and lifted an eyebrow, clearly confused by my sudden outburst.

“You ready?” she asked excitedly when I reached her. She handed me a bag as the contents inside rattled. I inspected what was inside as a devilish smile crept on to my face.

“Oh I’m ready,” I said as we both turned to look at each other and bolted towards the doors, opening them all dramatically. “Step One, in process,” I smirked. Time for a little payback you f*cking b*tch!


We stepped onto the school’s car park which was located in front of the school. After looking around we finally saw it. Rachel’s boyfriend’s precious red Nissan GT-R. We both looked at each other, adrenaline glowing in our eyes. Everyone knows that there’s something going on between Mike (Rachel’s boyfriend) and Georgia (a girl on the cheer leading squad who has been after Rachel’s popularity and title of the ‘it’ girl since High school started). So now Mike’s gonna get a taste of ‘Rachel’s’ jealousy.

We quickly approach the car not letting any time go to waste. We throw toilet paper all other the car getting every surface possible. We tied the toilet paper around the window swipers, around the wheels and we wrapped it around the car. We then get our paint brushes and opened up the cans of paint. We then proceeded to paint girly designs in pink, purple and white. We painted all over it, making sure to add in Rachel’s signature. Love hearts, flowers, a man’s ‘friend’, everything girly that you can think of (minusing that last one), the rest we just spilled over the windows, wheels and over places we missed. After art class on the car we then stepped back and admired our work. We quickly then got out the egg cartons and threw all the eggs everywhere and anywhere, though we didn’t have the best aim. Actually no, we had the worst f*cking aim possible. We missed the car more than once...we missed it so much that eventually we just went up to the car and slammed the eggs down on it.

Demolishing the 'It' Girl (Kinda On Hold - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now