2. Stay / Nico

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My whole life waiting for the right time.

To tell you how I feel.

Know I try to tell you that I need you.

Here I am without you.

I feel so lost but what can I do?

'Cause I know this love seems real.

But I don't know how to feel.

We say goodbye in the pouring rain.

And I break down as you walk away.

Stay, stay.

'Cause all my life I felt this way.

But I could never find the words to say.

Stay, stay.

Alright, everything is alright.

Since you came along.

And before you.

I had nowhere to run to.

Nothing to hold on to.

I came so close to giving it up.

And I wonder if you know.

How it feels to let you go?

You say goodbye in the pouring rain.

And I break down as you walk away.

Stay, stay.

'Cause all my life I felt this way.

But I could never find the words to say.

Stay, stay.

So change your mind.

And say you're mine.

Don't leave tonight.


Say goodbye in the pouring rain.

And I break down as you walk away.

Stay, stay.

'Cause all my life I felt this way.

But I could never find the words to say.

Stay, stay.

Stay with me, stay with me,

Stay with me, stay with me,

Stay, stay, stay, stay with me.


Celý život čekám na tu správnou chvíli.

Říct ti, jak se cítím.

Vím, že se snažím ti říct, že tě potřebuju.

Jsem tady, bez tebe.

Cítím se tak ztracený, ale co můžu dělat?

Protože vím, že tahle láska se zdá být skutečná.

Ale nevím, jak se mám cítit.

Říkáme sbohem v průtrži mračen.

A já se hroutím, když odcházíš.

Zůstaň, zůstaň.

Protože celý život jsem to takhle cítil.

Ale nikdy jsem nemohl najít ta slova, abych ti řekl.

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