Saline Solution

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Hello! This chapter will include topics such as:
self harm

Third Person POV:

Wilbur groaned as he got out of bed. He threw his sheets to the side and got up. Throwing on some clothes that have been laying on the floor. He looked into the mirror and fixed his hair a bit, then grabbed his glasses from the nightstand. He set them gently onto his face. Now he could see his eye bags from the countless nights of tossing and turning.

He heard a small whisper in his left ear.

"Wilbur.. cut yourself."

"What?" He replied to the the unknown voice.

"cut yourself."

It repeated itself over and over until he was teary eyed. He pulled up the sleeves to his jumper to reveal past scars and fresh wounds. He grabbed a razor from his bedside table.

A sigh left the teens mouth. Then swipe. A small red line appears.

"not good enough."

He hears. Again, it happens over and over again. He's sick of it. He pushes the razor firmly down facing vertical down his wrist.

"I'll show you good enough." He says.

He drags the razor down his wrist still keeping a firm grip. His arm opens up, like a bloody gift. He gasps in pain as he makes the cut.

"Fuck." He spits out.

Blood leaks onto his carpeted floor creating little circles all over. The cut is deep enough to the point of muscle. He gets up from his bed and walks to the bathroom, a blood trail following him.

He grabbed a few gauze pads and wrap. He places the pads in a line along the wound. Then wrapping more gauze around it to keep it in place tightly.

His eyes tear up. He doesn't care about the wound but he knows today is the day. The day he's been waiting years for. His suicide.

He grabs the note off of his desk when he walks back into his room. It reads,

Dear my family,

Hey phil! My only father, but especially my favorite. All you've done my whole life is want to help me and make me succeed. I did!! I got to do what a lot of people don't. A lot of people look up to me and I know that. Please tell them I love them and Im so sorry to leave them. And to not look up to me as a role model in this sense.

Im so sorry I couldn't get better for you, for Tommy, or for Tech. I know it's been hard on you all. Please believe me when I said I tried. I fought for so many years but I can not live on like this. I'm in so pain and I need a way out.
I love you Phil.

Tommy!! My little brother who's not so little anymore. I always wanted and tried to protect you the best I ever could've. You're the one who really made me push past my suicidal thoughts so I could be here for you, and protect you.

I know you always snuck into my room to play my guitar, you weren't even half bad at playing!! So i'm going to let you have it, and to keep my other stuff safe and neat for me okay? I know you'll do a good job. You meant a lot to me and you'll always mean a lot to me toms. I love you with all of my heart. Don't miss me, i'll always be around watching you continue to grow up. Stay safe tommy, i will miss you.

Tech. My older brother, the one I trusted in the most. The wisest. Thank you for all you ever did for me. You were there for me at my worst, you saw me at my worst. When i fainted in my room bleeding all over, during my panic attacks, and my suicide attempts.

You saw it all. And I am so sorry for having to put you through any of that. I know none of you deserved it. But I can't say how grateful I am for how much you all tried to help. Especially you tech. You really understood me, since you dealt with self-harm yourself. I hope you get better, I know you will. You have to, you're strong, Way stronger than me. I love you so much tech, I'll miss you dearly.

Don't blame yourself for not being able to save me. It's not your fault. I wasn't strong enough to get better. I hope you all find peace within my death. Let it open your eyes and you can live fuller. I love you all, and i'll always be around even if you don't know it.


He went and placed the note on the table in the kitchen. No one gets home until 6:00. Wilbur is alone right now at around 11:00 am. He has plenty of time. He reaches into his pocket. Cigarettes, lighter, phone, and a razor. He grabbed his old, worn out converse and put them on. He walked out into the world.

Taking a deep inhale of the fresh air; as fresh as london air is anyway. He makes his way to the london bridge. Stumbling on his way there and almost fainting. Leading up to this suicide he decided not to eat, for a week. He at least wants to look okay when they find his body, and plan a funeral.

After about an hour walk he makes it to the bridge. A sigh of relief washes over him.  He smiles. He walks over the bridge and swings his legs over the railing. He sits there for a while. Waiting.

He pulls out his pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He pulls on out and lights it. Putting it in between his cracked, chapped lips and takes a hit. He inhales and blows the smoke out.

After he finishes it he throws it into the ocean below. A large drop lies below him.

"Ah well, it's time." He says

He unties his shoes and takes them off. Putting them down on the ground near the railing. He also puts his phone there, unlocked, his cigarettes and lighter, and his razor. He also removes his bandages and placed them near his belongings too.

He sits back on the rail but backwards this time. He had one more lit cigarette in his hand. He takes a hit. Then, he lets his body fall backwards. Falling fast down into the body of water. A body of water made of saline solution.

The solution to all of Wilbur's problems. Then his back hits the water. And he sinks below. Taking his final breaths.

Saline solution to all your...
1200 words


hey all!! i rewrote this chapter today well over a year later! i really don't like how this book was written it could be so much better because of how much i've improved. though it's funny to look back and see how my younger self wrote this i feel it needed an update. so here u go! i hope you enjoy this better :) and thanks for all of the support in this. sorry if the updated chapter is confusing, but i personally like it better!!

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