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Bucky's POV

"What if it is her Steve? What if it isn't?" Bucky didn't know how he would react to seeing y/n after all these years. He didn't want to get his hopes up. They were waiting for the jet to arrive back from picking up the new recruit that Nat was bringing back. There were just too many coincidences. Her nickname he had given her, where she was from, the sayings she said... but how could she still be alive? That question had two possible answers to that question and he didn't know what was worse.

"You can keep you're back turned when they arrive and I can tell you once they get off the jet." Steve suggested. He knew what y/m meant to him. The three of you had been close growing up. If the war hadn't happened Buck was going to propose. Steve couldn't even begin to imagine what was going through Buck's head. Buck had been in love with y/n for as long as Steve could remember. When Buck had finally asked her out she was over the moon. Seeing them together was magical, there weren't two people more meant for each other. They were so happy together, then the war happened and then Bucky fell off the train. Sending that telegram to Howard to break the news to y/n had been one of the hardest things he had ever done.


Sitting on the jet to the Avengers HQ you couldn't help but be nervous and a little bit sad. Going there would mean seeing Steve which would mean being reminded of James... the man you had loved and had died after falling off a train. When you found out you were devastated. The next few years were a blur then the accident happened and the next several decades were a blur until you met Nat and she had saved you from yourself. Soon after escaping from Hydra, you found out Steve was alive and that he had been in a plane crash and in ice for 70 years. You couldn't bring yourself to ask about James and if they ever found out what happened. You didn't even tell Nat that you had known Steve. That would lead to too many questions.

"Hey you ok? Your playing with that necklace again?" Nat.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. Just lost in thought I guess... thinking about... well the past.. and how I'm going to explain how I'm still alive" shoot... great now you are going to have to tell Nat something you winced.

"Well you can take your time with that... I'm sorry what? How you're still alive? What does that mean?!?!" Nat jumped and turned in her seat.

"Uhhh I guess I better tell you now before we land. I knew Steve. Then I mean ... in the past... before the war and everything" You replied with a nervous smile

"Wait! You knew Steve!?! Is that who gave you the necklace" Nat could not hide her excitement at finally getting some information out of you.

"No, that was James, well Bucky" you replied, you figured that she would know who you were talking about, Steve must have mentioned James at least.

"What? You don't mean James Barnes do you?" Nat was really interested now.

Before you could answer you had landed and the doors were opening. You both unbuckled your seatbelts and stood up heading to the back of the plane to get out.

"Yeah Bucky, we were together. Wait how do you know Bucky?" you replied as you walked down the ramp.

Nat had a huge smile on her face and pointed to two men talking. One had his back turned to you. But judging by the huge smile on Steve's face you knew the other must have been Bucky.

You dropped your bags and screamed. Buck turned when he heard and his face dropped. As he was walking no running towards you the world began to spin and your head felt heavy. Great first time you've seen them in who knows how long and you are about to pass out. You hadn't had a fainting spell in months. You thought you were finally over these episodes, but you guessed not.

Bucky got to you just about as you were going to hit the floor. Steve ran over and looked at you and then at Nat, worry all over his face. After not seeing you in decades seeing you pass out and fall over for no apparent reason must have been a real shock.

"Her powers occasionally cause her to pass out. The testing she I think that she underwent must have been brutal. She hasn't said much about her past. I just found out as we were landing that she knew the two of you. I think the shock of finding out that Bucky was alive triggered this. We better get her inside and make sure she's ok". Nat said looking at Steve and Bucky.

Bucky's POV

He heard the jet land and asked Steve to be his eyes as he turned his back to the jet. He knew Steve would know right away if it was you. He heard the ramp come down and some chatter. He tried to see if he could recognise your voice.

"Buck..." He looked sideways at Steve and saw that he was smilingSteve's voice was cut off by a scream. A scream of delight and shock that he almost recognise. He turned around completely. It was you! He recognised the leather jacket that was his. Becca must have given it to you after he had fallen off the train. He could also just make out the chain of the necklace he had given you just before he had left. He started to walk then run toward you. All of a sudden as if in slow-mo you began to sway and fall. He sped up and caught you just before you hit the ground.

He sat there holding you close to him. He heard Steve and Nat talking. Something about powers? Testing? What happened to you? You looked like you hadn't aged? Had you been put through cyro too? He heard Nat say something about taking you inside. He placed your head against his shoulder and wrapped his arm around your back. He put his other arm under your knees and stood up.

Nat and Steve picked your and Nat's bags abs you all headed inside. His mind was spinning in circles. What had happened to you? How were he and Steve going to explain how they were alive? What is going to say about his past? As the three of them walked into the medical bay of HQ he couldn't help but look down at you. You looked so peaceful but somehow anxious. Just as they got to the medical bay and entered one of the exam rooms you began to stir in his arms. 

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