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You were awoken the next morning with a knock at the door. James had his arm wrapped around you and he was in a deep sleep. You slowly removed his arm from your side and wrapped a robe around you and slowly opened the door. Ayo was standing there with another Dora Milaje you recognised from yesterday.

"Good morning" you said rubbing the sleep from your eyes quietly trying to speak as quietly as possible so not to disturb James.

"I apologise for waking you up this early Miss. y/ln but we have a long day ahead of us. Myself and General Okoye have come here to escort you to the lab. Shuri is waiting for us along with Dr. Banner" Ayo said

"Of course. Is there anything I need to bring?" You replied turning back to look into the room, James was still fast asleep.

"No need. Just bring yourself. Someone will be by a little later to retrieve Sergeant Barnes a little bit later if you would like" General Okoye replied, you had to think about that you weren't entirely sure what Shuri had planned so you would have to ask her.

"Can I think about that while we are getting ready? I don't know ... what..." you said as you left the room and closed the door quietly behind you.

"What Shuri has planned? And if you want Sergeant Barnes should see it. I understand, I can ask Shuri to explain to you exactly what her plans are. Though I feel like I know him very well from when I helped him through his deprogramming and I believe he would be able to offer you a lot of support." Ayo said you nodded at that. With that decided General Okoye began to lead the way to Shuri's lab. The hallways we all very wide and had lots of art covering the walls. The three of you walked in silence until General Okoye spoke again.

"Shuri tells me you are a fighter, was that something you always wanted to do?" She asked

"No, that was never the plan. I was actually a nurse before everything happened." You said

"Being a healer is also a very noble cause. But if you ever wanted to learn to fight like the Dora Milaje I would be happy to give you some training. Shuri showed me some of the video surveillance that Mr. Stark had sent over, it is clear that you have some natural talent. And perhaps it can aide you in your recovery and help you learn control" General Okoye said as you rounded a corner and came face to face with a large set of double doors. "You do not have to give me an answer right away. But think about it" she continued as she and Ayo pushed open the doors.

"I will definitely think about" you replied

"Good, we are here" she said as she guided you into Shuri's lab.

Once you arrived into Shuri's lab you stopped in your tracks. This place was huge and very sophisticated, more sophisticated than the lab and medical bay of the Avengers HQ.

"Wow... this place is amazing" you said taking it all in.

"Thank you" Shuri said as she came up the steps to great you. "Today is the day, are you ready to finally be free and have all of this behind you?" She asked placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Yes" you said and she smiled at you.

"Well let's get started. First why don't we get you out of your pyjamas and into something loose and comfortable and tie your hair up and out of the way." She said leading you to a table that had a plain coloured shirt and pants. You quickly got changed in small room and you tied up your hair in a loose bun. Once you left the room Shuri led you to a different room that had a table, an array of medical supplies and a bed. Bruce was in the room and was looking at something on a computer screen with his back turned to you and Shuri. You froze in your tracks. Your mind jumping back to the memory of when you had first gotten the chip.

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