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Bucky's POV

"I still can't believe it... she's alive. I have been stopping myself looking up what happened to her. I didn't want to know what her life was like after me. I created a reality in my head. Now she's here and I don't know what to do. I'm so different now. How do I tell her what I've done?" Bucky sighed sitting down looking at his hands.  He looked down at his metal arm, it was a constant reminder of everything he had been through and what he had done.  He still had nightmares every now and then about the things he had done. Even though he didn't have a choice in the things that he did he still did them.  He wasn't sure how he was going to tell y/n all of this without scaring her off or making her look at him differently. 

Steve took a seat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He wasn't sure exactly what to say or do.  "I can't even begin to imagine what's going through your head Buck. Hell I can't believe she's alive and here! How did you meet her Nat? Do you know how she's alive? I mean did she go into icy waters like me? Or..."

"Cyro like me?" Bucky interrupted Steve

"It's ... a long story and complicated, I don't have all the answers you're looking for. But I can answer some of them. I first met her last year..." Nat began to tell the story of how she and y/n had met.

——flashback Nat's POV—-

Nat sat on top of a building looking at the people walking around. She swept her eyes to the alleyway. There she saw the person she was sent to investigate. She was taking down a mugger who had tried to take her wallet. Wow! This girl can fight. In just a few short moves the woman had spun around freeing herself from the grip of the mugger and flipping him over her shoulder and onto the floor. The guy jumped back up and started to run out of the alleyway. Nat jumped down and stopped the guy from getting away. The girl kicked him in the head and he fell to the floor unconscious.  The woman turned to face Nat, she had a smirk on her face.

"So you you must be the person who has been following me these last few weeks?" The girl smiled. "I got to warn you if you're here to take me back to that place you have another thing coming. I'll take you out just like I did this guy. Or I could just..." the girl lifted her right hand and wiggled her fingers, there was a light purplish glow that came off them. Her face had changed from a smirk to a sinister look. Nat took a step back.

"No need for that, I'm not here to hurt you or take you anywhere. No, I'm here on behalf of SHEILD. You came up on our radar recently. You have skills that will be useful to us." Nat replied. Nat didn't want to make any sudden movements to set the girl standing in front of her off.  In all her surveillance over the last month, she had not seen any evidence of powers. 

"SHEILD? You are the ones that took down Hydra aren't you? That's a win in my book. I'm y/n." y/n held out her hand after turning off whatever the glowing light was. 

"Yeah. How did you know about that. How do you know about Hydra?" Nat began to worry. Was this a trap that would defiantly explain how the girl knew she was being followed and the powers?

"I escaped from them a last year, around the time they fell well when they were exposed. They uh... used me do some of their dirty work. They tried controlling me but they weren't always with successful with that. There are some other things they did but we don't have to get into that just yet" y/n replied.

"Oh," Nat replied. Nat wondered how many people Hydra had taken, experimented on and controlled. She obviously knew about Barnes and the Maximoff twins but this woman in front of her was some else they had. Nat also wondered how she hadn't shown up SHEILDs radar? Maybe the Hydra that was within SHIELD had kept her off the radar.  With Hydra gone this girl was out in the world with who knows what abilities and there might be still some Hydra operatives out there who might be looking for her.

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