Tell me

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Jisung is sitting on the couch and looks very nervous and that scares Sungchan a little. He has never seen Jisung so nervous, but he could imagine that Jaemin must be the reason.
"Who was that baby?" Asks Sungchan, hugging Jisung. Jisung immediately turns to Sungchan and hugs him tightly, burying his face in Sungchan's chest.
"M-My ex," whispers Jisung, but Sungchan understood exactly.

Immediately the older one strokes his boyfriend's hair to offer him searchliness. Jisung smiled slightly and is just happy that Sungchan arrived on time.
"Everything will be fine Sungie ~. I'm here for you," but when Sungchan said the nickname, Jisung got goose bumps. He immediately pushes himself away from Sungchan and looks at him, startled.

"W-What was that?" He asks and slowly gets up. Sungchan doesn't understand what he was supposed to have done wrong, so he's a little confused by Jisung's reaction. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Y-You said Sungie ... Nobody calls me that anymore," says Jisung, moving further and further away from Sungchan.
"I think you must have misheard. You know I call you Jisung," Sungchan said quickly.

"I think you are a bit tired and need some rest now. I'll be back tomorrow, well if Dad doesn't need me," says Sungchan with a laugh and then gets up. He puts another kiss on Jisung's lips and then walks to the door.
"Good night babe," he calls out before closing the door. Jisung starts to think.
Was he really just imagining it? Didn't Sungchan really say Sungie? Jisung is a bit overwhelmed and decides to just go to bed and get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day, maybe it will be better.

But even when he gets up the next morning, he has a bad feeling. Ever since Mark visited in, he has the feeling that this is not the end of it. And just as he is getting out of bed, the doorbell rings. "Please ... please don't", he pleads quietly and then makes his way to the front door. He grabs the knob and holds it tight in his hand. "Please ..." he whispers and then he opens the door.
"Hello ... Jisung ...!"

Flaschback (5 years ago)

Lee Jeno
22 years old
Fourth Ex-boyfriend

When Jisung arrived in New York, he didn't know anyone. He didn't know where to go or how to proceed. He had just left everything and everyone behind, just to forget his past, but while walking alone through town one evening, he stumbled into Lee Jeno, who kindly caught him. Jisung was intimidated at first because he didn't want to tie himself to someone again, especially not after his ex boyfriends, but Jeno somehow got the boy to meet him again.

They just started to meet up for three months and also got to know each other better. Jisung was actually of the opinion that Jeno was different and therefore accepted Jisung's request whether he would like to be his boyfriend.
And so the relationship between the two began. Jisung was really fond of Jeno, but through Mark, Haechan and Jaemin he was afraid of realtionships and did not know how much he could trust Jeno and was therefore still very anxious and at a distance.

Jeno noticed this of course and was not very enthusiastic about it, after all he loved Jisung like crazy. He wanted Jisung to feel really safe with him. But Jeno also exaggerated it. He tried to give Jisung everything. Gifts, love, attention and much, much more. But at some point it became too much for Jisung. He felt crushed and imprisoned. He wanted more freedom.

"H-Hey Nono," he addressed Jeno.
"Yes babe?" Jeno replied while preparing dinner.
"C-Can I spend a day without you tomorrow?" He asked courageously and Jeno immediately dropped everything. "Why that? Are you going to do something tomorrow or why don't you want to spend time with me?" Jeno asked a little sadly, but inside him the fire of jealousy burned.

He didn't understand why his baby doesn't want to spend time with him. Is there anybody else? Is Jisung gping to cheat on him? What is Jisung up to?
"N-No, I just want to have some time to myself. A little sightseeing and all that," said Jisung, a little intimidated.
"But we can do that together," said Jeno, relieved, and went back to eating. Jisung didn't want that. He didn't feel like being under Jeno's watch any more. He feels the same again as with Haechan ... Mark ... and Jaemin.

"No! ", He said a little louder and his hands formed fists. Jeno was startled and he immediately looked at Jisung.
"No?" He asked. "I'm no longer a small child who needs a babysitter. I have grown up. I've been through so much. I... I'll break up," Jisung said and we were back to the point we were four months ago.

"You're breaking up?" Jeno asked confused. It all happened too quickly for him. He never thought that day would come.
"Yes. I can't stay locked up here. I want time for myself and if you don't understand, I'll go." And those were the last words Jeno ever heard from Jisung. That same evening the boy left Jeno and they never saw each other again.

End of Flashback




"Do you enjoy the time on your own?"

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