Lost in the fire• PH

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Summary: you are hired for a photo shoot with Calvin Klein, along side paddy Holland

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Summary: you are hired for a photo shoot with Calvin Klein, along side paddy Holland. You always model with music in the background to light up the mood, and during the shoot 'lost in the fire' comes on.. (listen to it!!)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive content, reader and paddy are modelling in underwear, shit tones of fluff.
Pairing: 18 year old actor!paddy x 18 year old model!reader.
Word count: 1.2k

Your POV:
"Y/n?" You heard someone knock on your dressing room, before opening the door. "They're ready for you" your assistant smiled. You gave her a thankful smile before she left you again.

You looked in the mirror and blew out a nervous breath, fanning your face as you were sure your sweaty face was about to ruin your natural make up.

"You got this y/n. Just be cool, you got this. Yeah." You whispered. Today was a very scary day for you today. You were modelling for Calvin Klein, your dream, but you weren't doing it alone. You were modelling with your celebrity crush, Paddy Holland.

You had been crushing on the boy since you were both 16, though back then he didn't know you existed, hell, you were sure he still didn't until his assistant mentioned you were modelling with him. You hadn't been a model for long, only a year and a half, and you were 18, and so was paddy. Feel like I have to make this very clear.. you are both 18!! - author 😂

You smiled at yourself in the mirror, checking the underwear was sat nicely on your curves before putting on your robe, ruffling your hair a little bit and then leaving.

You made your way over to the set, seeing your speaker was ready to go, the photographer was ready to go, the choreographer was ready to go, your assistant was giving you a thumbs up and paddy was talking to his assistant with a similar robe on. His eyes wavered slightly before they met yours, his eyes lit up as you were met with the famous Holland smile as you got closer. He excused himself from his assistant and walked over to you.

"Hey, I'm paddy" he smiled, holding out his hand for you, you clutched your robe in your left hand as your right reached out to shake his hand.

"Y/n, I know who you are though, I've been a fan since day one of invasion" you giggled. Why did I say that, oh my god.. you thought.

"Oh god yeah, apart from Harry's short films and something else I can't even remember, that was my first gig. And I have to be honest I'm a fan of yours too" he chuckled, scratching the back of his head. You both even didn't realise that you were still holding his hand until you looked down and let go.

"You're a fan of mine?" You smiled, eyes widened in shock, you didn't know your celebrity crush had even noticed you, never mind a fan.

"Yeah, I've seen some of your work. You're very talented, I'm actually a bit nervous to model next to someone with your expertise" he smiled nervously, making you giggle.

"I've only been doing this for like a year and a half" you smiled warmly, making him return it and nod.

"Yeah but I've only ever really modelled for my mum, and never in my underwear, so this is a big step up" he blushed, fiddling with the silk of his robe.

"Well, don't be nervous, there will be music and this is gonna be really fun" you smiled, tugging on your bottom lip.

"Music?" He asked with a small smirk.

"Yeah, I like to mess around to music, it gets some really good, natural shots" you nodded, which paddy returned. "You want to het started then?" You asked, which paddy only nodded once more.

So far you and paddy had been dancing around to 'Mr. brightside' getting some goofy shots for the black coloured underwear. And you had now changed into dark grey, which you couldn't deny you staring. Your cheeks tinted red when you saw paddy smirking his ass off when he caught you.

And even worse, you both had to do more sensual poses, meaning the music would change.

"Okay paddy and y/n if you could just stand in the centre and we'll start with y/n resting your arm on his shoulder, legs apart, one hand across your stomach and your head tilted up for me, great!" You did as the director said, getting into the pose.

"And paddy if you could face her, place your left hand on her back and just sort of subtly flex your right, and turn your head to look at the camera! Perfect, and just do what feels natural after that, and here is your song" she smiled, clicking play. "Lost in the fire" by the weekend started blaring on the speaker, making you gulp slightly.

After a few shots you moved your body a little bit testing the waters a little bit, seeing where paddy wanted to go with this shoot too.

He clenched his jaw and turned to look at you instead of the camera now, making sure the camera could catch his cheeky smirk.

He turned your body to face his and rested his right hand on your waist now, teasing the tip of his middle finger just under the waistband on the Calvin Klein underwear you wore. While his left hand tilted up your chin up to make you look at him.

Your hair was ruffled and messy, as was his, you parted your lips in a small natural pout, though your body was on fire. You were sure he could hear your heart beat from there.

"This is a great song. Don't you think?" Paddy whispered in your ear, making your hairs on your arms stick up, goosebumps tracing your body.

"Y-yeah, the weekend is a great artist" you nodded, he smirked and all of a sudden pushed you up against the set wall (the set was a black and white bedroom, since the photos would be in black and white). He took your two wrists in one of his hands holding them both above your head. Your hair was still partly covering your face.

"Perfect guys, y/n if you could maybe arch your back into paddy and look at each other's lips, and slowly get closer, without touching" the director nodded, she was loving the energy.

Paddy smirked and looked back down at your lips like he was told, and you arched your back slightly, paddy's right arm coming around your waist and holding you there, while his left still held your wrists.

"Gladly" he whispered, getting closer and closer to your lips. Oh how badly you wanted to close the gap, but you couldn't.


After the shoot, which went very well, you gave paddy your number so you could meet up when the photos came out, before you went back to your dressing room. Smiling when you heard your phone ping.

Paddy ;):
Today was fun, love. But next time no cameras... if your up for it. - paddy x

Idk how to end this...

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