Celebrity romance• fluff PH

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Summary: paddy's career in acting had officially taken off after his part in the 2021 film "invasion" he had interviews and press tours. Though right now he had finally been invited to the Ellen show.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, embarrassed.
Word count: 1180

Paddy's POV:
Paddy stood backstage of the Ellen show, waiting for Ellen to call his name onto stage. After the success of the movie he starred in, made three years ago in 2021, his acting career finally shot off, he had landed a few main parts in movies and a few side parts, his career was starting to reach its peak already.

And now here he was, doing a line of interviews, his first one of the week at the Ellen show. And here was his cue.

"Now everyone let's have a nice warm welcome for the youngest Dutch. Paddy holland!" Ellen chuckled, cheers roaring from the audience. He smiled brightly at them, waving and walking over to his seat.

"Hello padster!" She shouted over the audience.

"Hey Ellen. Thank you for having me here today." Paddy smiled, he truly was grateful, he had been given an amazing opportunity for his dream job.

"So as a normal interview would go, we are going to ask a few questions about your life. Starting with, are you working on anything new just now?" She asked, fixing her card placements.

"Well, I'm not really meant to say too much, but I will say this." Paddy smiled, pausing for dramatic affect. "I just got the lead in the new Peter Pan film" he smiled.

"That's incredible! Do you know who your working aside?" Ellen asked.

Paddy shook his head. "I've got no idea actually" he shrugged, placing one arm on his arm rest.

"Well. I actually do, and it leads to this next question actually" she smiled, moving the front card to the back.

"So paddy. Rumour has it you're crushing on a certain someone" she smirked. Wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Paddy groaned, blushing and hiding his face in his hands and shaking his head. "Oh no" he whined, his voice muffled from his hands.

"Oh yes. Roll the clip!" She shouted. All of a sudden the song "dog days are over" by Florence + the machine started playing over the speakers. Paddy took his hands away from his face, looking up at the big screen to see his celebrity crush y/n L/n smile brightly on the screen, she was just in her bed, bopping her head along to the music. Beginning to mouth the words when they came on.

Happiness, hit her like a train on a track

She began, now sitting up from her bed and standing up.

Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back

She carried on, now leaving her room and pulling goofy adorable faces.

She hid around corners and she hid under beds
She killed it with kisses and from it she fled
With every bubble she sank with a drink
And washed it away down the kitchen sink

She kept smiling, now walking down the stairs of her home, giggles tumbled out of her mouth, but you couldn't quite hear it over the music.

The dog days are over
The dog days are done

She mouthed, walking into her kitchen now and disappearing behind her island counter.

Run fast for your mother run fast for your father
Run for your children for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your longing behind you
Can't carry it with you if you want to survive

She popped back up at the beat with bread, butter and a plate, still smiling and mouthing to the words, paddy couldn't help but blush, he had always thought she was beautiful, in every movie she had starred in, he had watched them each over like ten times.

And I never wanted anything from you
Except everything you had
And what was left after that too, oh.

She had put the bread into the toaster, tapping her fingers and she waited for it to pop, it was such a normal day thing and yet paddy was watching it as if she was making a big speech about a serious cause or something.

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses
'Cause here they come

Her toast had popped now and she jumped excitedly, taking it out and putting it on the plate, she was still mouthing the words and grabbed a butter knife, getting butter from the tub and spreading it on the toast.

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses
'Cause here they come

She repeated as she finished the toast and carried her snack upstairs again, ending up in her bed and eating it.

The video came to and end and faded into darkness, and paddy was left a red mess.

"Best slice of toast I've ever made" a voice said from behind paddy. His head shot round and his face was met with her gorgeous one, he couldn't believe it, she smiled brightly at him, biting her lip slightly.

"Y/n L/n everyone!" Ellen cheered, the audience roared louder for her then they did for him. She smiled even brighter and waved out to the audience, taking a seat next to paddy.

"So y/n tell us. You're starring as what character in what movie?" Ellen smirked, her eyes flicking over to paddy every now and then.

"Yes, I will be playing Wendy Darling in the live action movie 'Peter pan'" she giggled. Paddy's mouth grew dry as it was still hung open.

"Y-you are?" He squeaked out nervously. Y/n turned over to him, still smiling brightly, did her cheeks not hurt? He thought.

"Yup. I'm very exited" she nodded, Ellen's smirk only grew.

"So paddy how long have you been crushing on y/n?" Ellen asked. Paddy's eyes grew wide and the crowed cheered again, y/n was biting her lip, waiting for his answer.

"Uh. Um, about 5 years I guess" he mumbled nervously.

"Awee!" Y/n cooed next to him, blushing also.

"I won't lie, I've had a crush on him for about three years as well" she admitted.

"And this everybody is why I'm a matchmaker" Ellen smirked, looking over at the audience and the camera.

3 years later*
Your POV:
Me and paddy walked back onto the Ellen stage, hand in hand as the crowd screamed loudly.

"Welcome back lovebirds" Ellen cheered, as we sat down in the same chairs we sat in years ago.

"It's amazing to be back!" Paddy nodded, still holding my hand from his seat.

"So looks like I really am a matchmaker huh?" Ellen nodded at our connected hands.

Paddy lifted my hand and placed a sweet kiss to my knuckles, the gesture still making me blush.

"Best one out there" he nodded. "You found me the love of my life" he smiled, looking over at me.

"And you're mine" I nodded back.

Idk how to end these 😭

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