There's only you in my life• PH

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Requested: yes, sorry it took so long to bring out.
Summary: slow dancing in the kitchen gets interrupted by your boyfriends brothers.
Warnings: swearing, tooth rotting fluff, holland brothers (yes, that should be a warning).
Pairing: Paddy Holland x reader
Word count: 0.7k

Your pov:
"My love can you pass me the star cookie cutter?" Paddy asked, you smiled and nodded, digging into the basket of cookie cutters searching for the star one. You smiled once you found it and passed it along to him.

"Thanks" he smiled, you returned it and got back too rolling out the cookie dough, smiling when you heard one of your favourite songs play on the radio, Endless love, paddy of course knew this and took your doughy hand in his, pulling you flush into his body.

"Dance with me?" He smirked, you rolled your eyes playfully and sniggered when you saw dough and flour all over his hands.

"My hands are gonna get dough on your clothes." You warned, paddy chuckled and shook his head at that.

"You think I care, cmon angel," he pouted, you giggled and nodded, placing your hands over his shoulder while he rested his hands comfortably on your waist.

He gently began to sway your bodies too the music, making you giggle and slowly move your hips to the music too.

The gentle sunset glow was shining through the window and created a golden shade on your face, paddy's eyes softened and his body tensed as he felt your body fall completely into his embrace, he felt the need to protect you against anything, even if it was just some sunlight getting into your gorgeous eyes.

"I love you y/n" you felt your breath hitch in your throat, lifting your head to see his face, this was the first time he has said this.

"I love you Paddy" you whispered, he smiled and brought his hand up to your cheek, cupping it and rubbing his thumb along the apple of your cheek before slowly pulling you in for a romantic kiss.

Until it was interrupted...

"Way to go paddy, get some!!" You heard Harry cheer, your cheeks blushed and you hid your face in paddy's neck, you could feel the vibrations of paddy's laugh through his skin.

"Shut up Harry." Paddy groaned, brining a hand to cup the back of your head, fiddling with the strands of your hair, keeping you safely tucked away.

"Tom! Sam! Get your asses down here!!" Harry shouted, making paddy groan, and kiss your head.

"What's going on?" Sam asked, walking into the kitchen with Tom.

"Paddy and Y/n are dancing to endless love in the kitchen" Harry chuckled.

"Awweeeeeeee" Tom cooed.

"Awe cmon Harry, don't get salty just because you don't have anyone to do that with yet" Sam chuckled, making Harry roll his eyes and shove his brother.

"You know what asshole-"

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Zendaya asked, both herself and Clarke had now stepped into the kitchen.

"Paddy and y/n were dancing to endless love" Tom sniggered, Zendaya hit the back of his head, making him wince and send her a glare.

"How come me and you never dance in the kitchen sam?" Clarke asked, Sam's eyes widened before turning to Clarke and trying to force out a sentence, though it wasn't going well:

"I- well- you see- I- uh"

"Yeah, you'd think Tom would be the same, a hopeless romantic like in all of those fan fictions people write on tumblr and wattpad, but he's really not" Zendaya shrugged, toms eyes widened before he turned to her.

"What?! You read that stuff?" He asked, his voice high and squeaky.

"Wanted to see what people thought you'd be like in a relationship, they're wrong" Zendaya chuckled.

"Hey! I'm romantic, I post you on my Instagram all the time, I've been getting called a Zendaya fan page" Tom whined, following his girlfriend out of the kitchen.

"This is why getting into relationships is a bad idea" Harry shrugged before walking away, though everyone knew that he wanted one.

"You're a fucking chef Sam, and you've never pulled something like this" Clarke scoffed, winking at you before walking out of the kitchen, getting followed by a whining Sam.

"Oh my god" you giggled, resting your forehead on paddy's. "I love you" you sighed, leaning up and pecking his nose with your lips.

"There's only you in my life"

Feel like this sucks, sorry.

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