Chapter 3

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 Adelaide Hollens reclined on her bed in the golden late afternoon light, putting the final touches on her drawing of Hogwarts. The still and peaceful quiet calmed the 15-year-old girl's mind as she shaded her dormitory window.

Finally finishing the magnificent castle, she pushed herself out of bed just as her mum called her to lunch. Adelaide smiled, knowing her Hogwarts letter would come today. She could hardly wait to go back to the magical school, with its ghosts, creatures, and mystery everywhere you turned.

Walking into the small kitchen, Adelaide grabbed a turkey and pesto sandwich from her sister as she sat at her seat. Taking a bite, she smiled happily and settled into the wooden chair, just as an owl arrived.

Her younger siblings, Ivy and Skye, jumped up, each trying to grab a letter before the other. Adelaide shook her head at their antics.

"Hey, guys, you do know that there are three, right? You can each get one." Skye looked at his twin and stuck out his hand. Ivy shook it, then carefully took her letter from the owl. Skye did the same, then held Adelaide's letter out to her. She took it, thanking him, and slowly opened the envelope. She removed the parchment inside, and a blue and silver badge fell out, making a dull clunk on the table. Everyone in the kitchen stared at it.

Ivy was first to break the silence.

"Addie got the prefect role?" she asked. Adelaide smiled at her.

"Yep, and now I can rule over you and give you detention when you eat too much ice cream."

Ivy frowned. Skye shook his head at his older sister.

"Not cool, Ads." His strong and husky voice made her laugh.

"Alright everyone, time to eat!" Their mother took the letters from her kids, kissing Adelaide on the head as she went. The family sat down to devore the delicious sandwiches and sweet tea, and their dad suggested going to Diagon Alley the next day.

Adelaide said yes, not knowing this was where her life would change forever.


Hey lovelies! Hope you like part two of this love story! About why I wanted to put her in Ravenclaw... Remus is a prefect this year too, and since I couldn't delete Lily, I had to put her in Ravenclaw. Don't worry, there'll still be plenty of sexual tension between them. Vote, comment, please follow! 



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