Chapter 1

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The first few chapters is mainly going to be a backstory to your life and how you got where you are. Please enjoy and comment about the story, I need to improve anyway I can:) Also I have school, a job, and sports so there could be slow updates.

When you were little you had two loving parents, Célene L/n and Henry L/n. You also had a twin brother Alexandre, who everybody just called Alex.

Your mother had come from rich family from France but at 18 decided to move to America in hope of finding freedom. Her life at home may have been pretty on the outside but on the inside her family was anything but nice. That's when she decided to move to America, that's also where she met your father. Your father was a man that worked at his family owned saloon in Valentine. When Célene walked in, they automatically clicked. They had nothing in common yet they both found a way to relate to eachother in a way.

Two years after they had met, they found out that Célene was pregnant with twins. They were both beyond excited and decided that they wanted to get married before the children were born.

7 months after the wedding your mom had you and your brother. Célene and James agreed once Célene and the twins were ready, that you would move to Saint Denis in search of a better life than Valentine had to offer you.

Time skip -

It was the year 1876, you and Alex were spending your 9th birthday with your parents. After lunch you and Alex went in the backyard to ride the horses your parents had gotten you. You both knew how to ride by your dad showing you and giving you many lessons. He also taught you how to properly shoot a gun, but said that you would have to wait another year until you got your own, which upset you and Alex. He did this because there was a lot of robbings that went on more and more and decided it was best if you knew how to shoot to defend yourselfs.

For your birthday your dad had gotten you a beautiful bay coloured American Quarter horse who you decided to name Ace. James knew how much you admired them on hunting trips. Your brother got a black Shire horse, who he named Tucker.

After riding for about an hour or so and just talking, you walk into your house to find your mom and dad looking over a note. They both looked pretty stressed but you and Alex being 9 didn't really understand their worry.

"Momma are you okay?" you asked.
"Oh, yes honey. Me and your father were just reading a letter from your Uncle Sam!" Célene said.

You immediately looked at Alex and you both shared a look, Uncle Sam was not a nice man and you did not like visiting him.

"Oh, what did he say?" Alex asked.

"Well you and y/n are going to go to his house for a little bit. Your daddy and I have some business to take care of so we asked Uncle if he could take care of you for a bit." Célene said as she got down to their height.

"Momma you know we don't like going there." you said which Alex nodded his head agreeing.

"I know i'm sorry sweetie. But it's only for a few days! I've also heard that he changed a lot since the last time we saw him!" Célene said in hopes it would make them happier.

"Your mother is right kids, we wouldn't do this if we didn't think it was for what best." James attempted to help convince them.

"How long do you think it will be?" asked Alex.

"We don't know yet honey, but it won't be long. We'll be back before you know it!" Célene said.

"When are we leaving?" y/n asked.

"Probably tomorrow we need to leave as soon as possible to get you down there." James said.

"Okay, let's go pack y/n." Alex pulled you by the arm to get you to follow him.

The next morning -

You and Alex were woken up by your parents early the next morning. Everyone was all packed and had breakfast before they left because it was about a 2 hour ride.

"Dad can we ride our horses to Uncle Sams house!?" Alex asked excitedly.

"Ah i'm sure you can! You both are well riders and I trust that you will take care of them." James beamed proudly.

"Yay, merci! (thank you)" y/n practically yells.

Time skip -

Your uncle lived in Rhodes which is another reason you didn't like where he lived. It was too hot and dusty there.

Once you got to your uncles house it seemed like he had changed a lot since the last time you saw him. He looked better and cleaner because every time you saw him he was always dirty and had a drink.

After a while of talking your parents left and before they did they talked to your uncle in private and looked like they had given him something. You and Alex were very confused on the whole thing because they have never been so secretive.

"I wonder what's going on?" y/n asked Alex.

"I don't know but I don't think I like it, they're never this secretive mon coquelicot." (see photo at top for meaning.)

"Ah, pas avec les surnoms."  y/n said as she rolled her eyes.
"ah not with the nicknames."

Alex laughed "C'est drôle de te voir fou."
"it's funny to see you mad"

"Yeah yeah, but seriously they have been talking for a while." y/n stated.

"Yeah, lets just go ride Tuck and Ace while they talk." Alex said.

Time skip -

Your parents had left and your uncle honestly looked really worried. He said that your parents would be okay but you think that he was kinda just telling himself that. You and Alex still didn't know what was going on and thought they were just trying to have some alone time.

About a week after they left you had started to miss your parents. Sam tried to keep you occupied with anything he could, he even taught you how to properly hunt. It was all fun but you still missed your mom and dad.

The next week your Uncle had received a letter. You still remember it like it was yesterday.

"Uncle Sam are you alright? You look really pale." Alex questioned.

"I-I'm alright." Tom stuttered still reading the letter.

"Are you sure? What's that letter say?" y/n asked.

Sam got down to your height and had tears in his eyes. "Kids i'm sorry to say this but your parents passed."

You and Alex just stood there, too shocked to really move.

"What?" you both said at the same time.

"Somebody had come and robbed them it looked like and they didn't make it. I'm so sorry." Sam explained, he left out parts of the letter because they were to young to understand.

You and Alex just broke down, you didn't understand why people had to be like that. You didn't understand why they had died, or why they deserved to die. In your eyes you thought they were the best humans in the world and they did nothing wrong.

After this news of your parents passing your whole life changed, but was it for the good or the bad?

Quick AN , this story gets better this was just my first chapter😭

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