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The war had not been kind to anyone.

Sersi had seen awful things, things that made her want to hide on the Domo and never emerge. She had seen the worst of mankind, watched them murder and pillage one another for centuries now. It shouldn't have been such a shocking sight, but it still was, every single time. And she knew that for some of the others, it was even worse.

Phastos was forced to watch as his machines, his weapons, were used by tyrants and peasants alike. She knew he struggled with the realization that without him, none of these deaths would've happened. Sersi knew that deep down, Phastos would never forgive himself for allowing humanity to progress this way.

It was a gruesome sight, to watch brother turn on brother, but Ajak forbade them from interfering.

It was this rule that splintered the group, that drove Druig from them.

The Fall of Tenochtitlan had been every bit as violent and horrifying as it could've been. Makkari had been in the streets, speeding through the crowd to shove people out of the way, desperately trying to protect the city. Thena and Gilgamesh had disappeared into the fray, taking on the Deviants that had arrived with the bloodshed.

From their pyramid, the rest of them watched with sad eyes and heavy hearts.

Sersi remembered the pain in Druig's eyes, the way he had stared at the burning city in dismay. She thought she had seen him tracking Makkari's streaks of gold throughout the streets, watching as she split her time between helping Gilgamesh and Thena and protecting the innocent bystanders. But no matter what she did, it wasn't enough.

Druig still took control of the humans, still fought back against Ikaris, still walked away from them all, leaving them feeling hollow and abandoned as he did. They had stood atop the pyramid and watched the soldiers march out of the city, eyes golden as they followed Druig's orders, their qualms long forgotten.

Only Sersi noticed the way Makkari had hung back, eyes staring vacantly into the distance, still trailing the hoard of the soldiers until they disappeared from sight. She had noticed the way Makkari seemed to tremble with unease and uncertainty, practically vibrating out of her skin with the need to run and follow.

This was the moment that Sersi realized the depth of Druig and Makkari's love for one another.

Sersi had wandered over to her then and placed a hand on her shoulder, startling her. When Makkari finally tore her gaze from the horizon, Sersi softly said, "He will be fine."

Do you think he'll come back? Makkari had signed, fingers unusually shaky.

"For you, yes. For us? Maybe not."

He loves you, Makkari had assured her. He loves us all.

"Yes, but he loves you differently, doesn't he?" Sersi had asked her.

Makkari's eyes, usually so vibrant and warm, welled with tears. She glanced away from Sersi, blinking harshly to keep her emotions at bay. I thought so—I hoped so, but perhaps I was wrong.

Sersi waited patiently as Makkari gathered herself. When she had her attention again, she touched Makkari's shoulder lightly. "Druig is angry and hurt right now, but not at you."

He left. Makkari had reminded her.

"He did. And I'm sure he'll regret that for the rest of his life."

I just wish I knew how to help him.

"My dear Makkari, I think perhaps you are the only one of us who did." Sersi squeezed Makkari's shoulder. "Do not fear, you will meet again."

Makkari had only nodded, eyes still glimmering under the burning fires of Tenochtitlan.

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