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The world was so vast, so full of colors. Early on, when they first arrived on Earth, everything was so green. The world was a cacophony of flowers and trees and water and life, and it was beautiful. Makkari spent many hours running from corner to corner, tearing through jungles, or running across oceans, just to see what was there.

She enjoyed trading, giving humans whatever they wished for in exchange for their trinkets and crafts, reveling in the way they expressed themselves. She found herself smiling every where she went, basking in the joys of humanity and discovering new lands. But most of all, she liked sharing her discoveries with her fellow Eternals.

Sersi, like her, shared a love for humanity. She would coo and awe over the children in every village they went to, offering to help hold and quiet babies while the women worked. Makkari enjoyed bringing her pretty things, jewelry pieces made by expert craftsman in remote parts of the world, just to see her smile.

She brought Gilgamesh spices and recipes on little scrolls, neatly written by shop keepers and different tribes across the world. For Phastos, she brought back metals and materials that humans had uncovered, dug up in rivers or mountains or mines. For Sprite, she relayed folk tales and children's fables that Sprite would incorporate into her own stories.

For Kingo, she brought back jewels and diamonds that he would flaunt, wearing them as they glittered in the blistering sun. For Thena, she brought weapons, though primitive as they were, so she could help Phastos teach humans how to improve. For Ikaris, she gifted him tales of humanity, of her favorite civilizations that she had stumbled across.

For Ajak, she brought everything—alerting her to the progress of the world.

There was only one person that she struggled to provide for. Druig. He wasn't impressed by shiny trinkets like Sersi or Kingo, he didn't care for stories like Sprite or Ikaris, didn't lust after food the same way Gilgamesh did, and he certainly didn't enjoy hearing of war and weaponry the way that Thena and Phastos did.

But still, she wanted to provide for him the way she provided for the others. So, she spent most of her time in the markets, bartering and pleading with shop keeps for their items. She had heard of a tablet, solid emerald, that existed out there, somewhere, but no one seemed to be able to find it for her. She thought it would make a good gift for Druig—unique, just like him.

He was waiting for her in the tavern, eating with a group of the village inhabitants when she sped into the room, leaving a trail of gold behind her. Makkari had brought some of her trinkets to the local people, who had promised her that they knew of her tablet. "Beautiful Makkari," he teased, smiling at the sight of her. "You're late."

She set down her box of trinkets and turned to sign to him. I needed artifacts to trade for the tablet.

She placed her findings on the table for the villagers to see, watching as they turned to whisper to each other. Druig's eyes narrowed at them and Makkari knew what was coming without having to turn. She sped to the other side of the table, snatching the villager's hand as he tried to steal from her.

"I can sense vibrations," She signed, Druig translating for her. "Even the tiniest movement. Including your voices when you speak. Did you two just waste my time?"

"The emerald tablet you're looking for... is a myth!" One of the villagers responded.

Before things could get too heated between them, a fight broke out across the tavern. Druig scowled, desperately wanting to see Makkari give the two villagers a piece of her mind, and stood, eyes glowing molten gold. He took control of the wily patrons, forcing them to slap themselves twice before joining in a friendly hug.

He was still grinning when Makkari nudged his shoulder, signing to him. When humans have conflict, Ajak tells us not to interfere.

"She also says that stealing is very, very bad." He reminded her, turning to face her. He held up one of her trinkets and she snatched it out of his hands, glaring at him playfully.

If you don't tell, I won't tell.

"Deal." Druig smirked.

Makkari tilted her head back to look at him and Druig copied her motions, fighting off a smile of his own. They grinned at each other, lost in their own world. Makkari's heart fluttered at the warmth in his eyes, the joy she found there. Perhaps it was here that she realized that she was in love with him, that she would do anything for him.

Druig leaned closer to her. She thought—for a split second—that he might've kissed her. Instead, his smirk only deepened, and he winked at her. "I think you best be off, my darling. You've just been robbed."

Makkari squawked and turned to find her table empty, the villagers gone. She sped out of the tavern, the vibrations of Druig's laughter chasing her through the town.

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