Chapter 3

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Aisha's pov

I was almost to the hostpital. I am so worried about Y/n she doesn't deserve this.

I looked over and I see her leaning against the window holding her stomach. I feel so bad and I blame myself for her getting hurt.

We arrived to the hostpital and i park the car. I carefully go to her side and lift her out of the seat.

"Baby tell me if it hurts ok." I say.

Y/n just nods and holds onto Aisha tighter.

When they got in Aisha puts Y/n in the chair and goes to the front counter and talks to the lady and tell her what happened and tells the lady Y/n needs an x-ray to make sure nothing is broken.

As they take her in the back I start to feel nervous and hope nothing is broken.

Y/n pov

As they were taking me to the back to get an x-ray I start to feel a wave of pain wash over my body.

I was thinking this could be how I die. It felt like I was gonna die. It hurts so much.

After the doctors did the x-ray they looked at me with sad eyes. I knew that wasn't good.

"Ms. Y/n bad news is your ribs are broken. You are lucky you didnt take more damage or else you wouldn't have made it." One of the doctors said.

I just looked down on the bed and just realized how lucky I am. But i was still in danger. What happens if Judy comes back and hurts me more.

I had alot of questions but Aisha came threw the door and I looked at her and cleared my head.

Aisha came into the room sad and with tears in her eyes.

"Aisha? What's wrong?" You ask her.

"The doctors told me how close you where to dying if she would have hurt you more. I almost lost you." She says breaking down.

"I'm ok though, yes im hurting but I'm ok. I promise you I'll be able to walk and cuddle you without having to worry about pain in a few days". I told her.

Aisha comes to the side of me and hugs me gently. I wrap my arms around her and stuff my face in her neck.

"I promise I'll be ok as long as I have you. I said.

Just as everything was ok the window broke and there is a brick with a piece of paper attached.

Aisha went to go grab it to read it.

"Y/n remember what i texted you meet me tonight ALONE. If you don't listen you can say goodbye." Aisha reads outloud.

"No your not going. I won't let you. Im not loosing you." Aisha looks at me with tears running all down her face.

I looked up at her. Slowly tries to get out of bed.

Aisha looked at me.
"W-what are you doing. Y/n no your not going. Please I am not loosing you." She says crying.

I walk over to her slowly and hugs her.
"I have to I will be ok i promise. Just know i love you always."

Aisha breaks down on my shoulder.
"P-please don't l-leave me. I-i don't wanna l-loose you." She said.

"You wont loose me." I say rubbing her back.

"I'll be back ok." I cup her face with my hands.

"I love you." I tell her.

"I-i love you too." She says back.

(Short chapter but next one is coming soon)

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