Chapter 1: ''We Meet Again, Apprentice Luke Triton''

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Luke and Flora quickly rush to the scene, hurrying past many people running away. A little boy trips and falls against Flora which knocks them both to the ground.

"Ahhh! Are...are you okay little boy?" Flora asked whilst getting to her feet and helping the boy up too.

"My parents...they're...they're still inside. them!" The little boy pointed to the top floor of the burning office building. "Up them."

"Luke, what do we do?"

"Drat, it's too dangerous! We'll never make it back out on time."

"Luke, there must be a way to save them. After all, you said 'a gentleman must always help out when they can.'"

"Yes I did say that but this is one of those moments where I can't do anything. There must be another way up there though. A safer way. If we can find it then- Eh?"

Suddenly, a shadowed figure darts past Luke and Flora, into the burning building. Luke could see them hastily making their way up the stairs to the top floor. Within about 30 seconds, they made it up what looked to be 10 stories high and were carrying something in both their arms.

"Who was that? They just ran straight in there."

"I'm as confused as you are Flora but now isn't the time. We need to call the Fire Department here quickly. Did you bring some money?"

"Hmm? Oh yes I did. I always bring some when we go out. But what do you need it for?"

"The pay-phones. They'll allow us to call the Fire Department here."

Luke swiftly ran to the nearest pay-phone which was a couple of meters away from him. He got inside, inserted 1 pound, and dialled Emergency Services. Flora kept an eye on the boy and on the mysterious figure inside the burning building.

"If they don't hurry up, they won't make it out on time. Come on please make it out."

But, before Flora could even notice, the mysterious figure was already on the ground floor. They kicked the front doors open and slowly walked to safety. It seemed as if they were out of stamina from all that running.

"Yay, they made it out!"

"Mommy, daddy!" The little boy ran over to his unconscious parents. "Are you okay? Please get up. You're safe now thanks to this stranger."

"Flora, the Fire Department is on their way now. What about the person? Are they out?"

"Yes, they're right there."

Luke turned to his right to notice the young boy on the floor begging his parents to wake up and a cloaked person who seemed to have long, brunette hair.

"It's a miracle you were able to pull that off." Luke spoke, approaching the cloaked person. "A lot of people are usually afraid to do something like that. But my teacher would never. He'd go in there the first chance he got and he'd save them. Because that's what a gentleman does. If only he were here now. He wou-"

"Professor Layton?" 

The cloaked person cut off Luke. They sounded like a woman. Not just any woman, someone that seemed familiar to Luke. Like he had known them before.


"Professor Layton was your teacher wasn't he?"

"Well yes he was do you know him?"

"Well, someone as famous as him is hard to forget and is easy to recognise. After all, Luke, we've met before. And...we've even spent some time together."

"EH?!" Luke stood still as if he had been frozen or heard something he wasn't meant to. "Who...who are you?"

"Luke, who is that?"

"Surely you'd recognise your teacher's assistant wouldn't you, Luke?"

The cloaked woman took off her head covering and her cloak to reveal a bright yellow dress and white tights. She even had a brown belt with a pouch at the back big enough to fit a camera and dark green boots.

"Emm...EMMY?!" Luke was shocked. Lost for words. He had no idea what to say. This was the very woman who had held him hostage in the Azran Shrine and would've hurt him if Layton had not handed over the keystone. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I thought you left London, so why are you back?"

"So, you weren't told then I take it?"

"Told what? What are you up to this time huh?" Luke crossed his arms.

"Luke, you know her?"

"Oh right, my bad. Flora, this is Emmy. Emmy, this is Flora. All you need to know about her is that she was the Professor's Assistant about 10 years ago but decided to leave London because of something she did to both of us."


"Please Luke, I meant you no harm when I did that. I was simply following orders from Targent. Anyway, who is Flora to you and the Professor?"

Luke, completely shocked by what he had witnessed, dazed out for a moment. It wasn't until Flora brought him back to his senses that he decided to speak.

"Oh right. She's the Professor's protegee and a good friend of mine. And I promise you this Emmy, if you lay one hand on Flora, I will make sure myself you never get to see the light of day again. I may have forgiven you for what you did since we were good friends back then, but I won't if you try to do the same thing to Flora."

Emmy chuckled, knowing very well Luke had forgotten something about her.

"Did you forget? I'm an expert martial artist. There's no way you'd be able to land a finger on me."

Luke realised something. How could he forget that Emmy used Martial Arts on him to hold him hostage? And if she was a potential threat to Flora too, then there's nothing he could do to save her.

"But I promise you, I'm not here for either of you. I'm here to stop Targent. look for the Professor."

"Huh? But wasn't Targent defeated when we escaped the Azran Sanctuary?"

"No Luke. That was Bronev, my uncle. Even though he was the leader of Targent then, he isn't the real leader of it. The real leader has been playing Bronev, using him as a puppet to get what he wants. And by the sound of things, I think I suspect Targent has something to do with the Professor."

"Do you think it has anything to do with his disappearance?"

"It's hard to say, but I do feel like they are planning to do something with him Luke. That's why I need yours and...Flora's help to stop them." Emmy pointed towards Luke and Flora before looking to the ground thinking of something. "They are expert Martial Artists just like me so you'll both need some training."

"I know Karate and Flora knows some Martial Arts. Will we actually need training?" Luke asked worryingly.

"Is that so? Well, I'd like to see how strong you really are." Emmy slowly looked up towards Luke.

A smile struck Emmy's face as Luke and Flora were slightly confused as to what was going on.

"But not right now. We need to get out of here. Do you know anywhere we can go and no one will hear us Luke?"

"Well we have one place, where we live, but I don't know about whether or not other people can hear us"

"It'll have to do for now. Quickly, we mustn't waste any time. Let's head there now! Lead the way Luke."

"R-right. Ok, follow me!"

"W-wait! Luke!" Flora cried for Luke but he didn't respond. So she followed them back to their apartment.

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