Chapter 9: Thank Heavens

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Chapter 9: Thank Heavens

I watched Harry's fathers eyes move from the security of his loyal son, to my sweaty / shaky face. "Hello Mr Fisher, it's a pleasure to meet you." I felt a pang of hot air brush the side of my skin as I look down to find Harry's also sweaty hand finding comfort in mine. The nervousness of being stood in front of a man that could decide my fate all rushed out of my light-headed body and I found my heart beating cautiously, so not to make Harry aware of all the emotions whizzing around my head as I question how Harry can make me feel this way?

Possibly it's all just comforting having a distraction from the devastatingly powerful man that sat miles away, or at least felt miles away with the strength Harry's hand is giving me. I feel weak to him, yet powerful to everyone else. Harry may ask for anything and I will be a maid to his desires with only a touch of the hand.

I glance upwards to watch Harry's face, now only inches away from mine, question my nervousness and decide in his own mind that it is for me to proceed. He nods his head to reassure me and I mentally take a deep breath to let away all my nervous and lustful emotions.

Mr Fisher, or should I say Carlos Fisher, is observing my every move. A sign of recognition I should have remembered when he first began watching over me. I need to find a way in which I can leave this house. Leave the clasps of an oppositions Mafia Leader, without falling for his son. Everything is happening so slowly it's hard to know if anything is happening at all.

"Hello Bonnie." He cheerfully springs, reaching is hands forward and using his desk for support as he begins rising from his seat. "I'm Harry's father, you may call me Carlos. I don't suppose you have a surname." He gives me that same cheeky grin Harry does, but this one doesn't make butterflies erupt in my stomach, this starts a fire that I'm not sure how to stop.

Harry's grip tightens around my hand sending waves of lust throughout every inch of my being, "dad" he hisses out turning a tomato red from embarrassment. He looks cute as red, he can pull it off.

"Son" like father like son. Both as cheeky as each other. "Bonnie," his eyes move back to me as he tilts his head but then moves it too the same position all in one motion, "Listen, I like to know every bodies name when they enter my house, I guess you could call me OCD but it's something that ticks on my nerves if it's left un-natured. I'm so very sorry if this raises any issues, although I don't see why it would?" The red vanishes from my cheeks as I push myself into overdrive.

"No sir, no issues, I was just a little confused." I let out a forced chuckle and return to what I've now started. "My name is Bonnie, Bonnie Moone." Thank heavens I thought of that in time.

Carlos looks down to his paperwork as if nothing makes sense, he raises his hand into a 'shooing' position and beckons us to leave him in peace, I slowly make my way towards the door and watch Carlos quickly make his way back to the desk, sitting back down, shaking his head in disbelief.

I move to see a turgid Harry not making any sudden movements but instead standing pinned to the spot with the same expression plastered to his face as his father. "I'll explain." I whispered softly to him and dragged him to the door. As soon as we were outside the room I stopped in my tracks to explain to Harry, but instead he kept going.

"Explain upstairs," I did as I was told.


"So this is Harry Fishers room."

Harry doesn't turn his head in my direction, but instead continues walking forwards to his wall-length window. His hands reach into his jean pockets and rest them slightly. I don't know what to do so I decide - as his back is turned - I'll use this time to examine his room.

He has family photos on the far left wall creating a pretty collage of a picturesque family. I glide my feet towards the photos to piece the family together. Immediately I see his mother stand out with features much the same as Harry, her green eyes and tanned skin. She had a figure to die for and makeup that could pass as professional. No wonder Harry looked so gorgeous.

I dragged my eyes away from the picture and towards a clearer image of Harry, Carlos and his mother again. It was a typical family photo of them all in front of what seems like the Sicily Python Mansion. Carlos had his protective arm draped around the mothers arm, whilst she had a loving hand placed neatly on Harry's back. Harry had a small, cute smile plastered on his face which made me giggle, "what's so funny?"

I turned my head to see Harry's face inches from mine as his breath fans my lips and a feeling of lust wraps around me. Why can't I just kiss him now? Feel his warmth on my skin? Know how he feels? I want him to open his body and emotions up to me. I have to snap out of it, this!! This trance he puts me in whenever he's within a 5m radius. My heart stops and my mind forgets everything else it's ever been consumed in and focus' completely on his beauty and the sudden beats of my heart.

"You were cute when you were a kid."

His head nods lightly as if he already knew what I was going to say and he'd heard it a thousand and one times, "Yeah, every family member feels the need to remind me and my mother's beauty and resemblance everytime I come into contact with them." I can tell by the lost look of a small child in his eyes he doesn't want to feel whatever emotions his mother has put him through.

Quickly his eyes turn from child like green to dark pools of black liquid, "Why are you suddenly Bonnie Moone, Bonnie Redfarm? Or is it Moone? Oh heck I don't even know who you're lying too! Whether it's me or my fath-"

"Look, just stop. I can explain everything just please sit down." I drag my eyes away from the pictures that make my mind swirl with questions. I motion my hand towards a small bench and plump myself down, patting the the surface next to me for Harry to sit on.

Before I tell him who I am I feel it's necessary to have him sitting down because, as my father once taught me, there first motion of anger is not directed at you, but is standing up! Sounds crazy but everytime somebody is anger each motion of anger is formed in a gesture, have the first be standing up buys you time to convince them it's ok.

I take in a deep breath and feel my palms sweating, if Harry had no feelings towards me he would and should report me to his father as soon as he's made aware of the truth. Here it is...





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